Dòng Nội dung
Đối chiếu mô hình cấu trúc của thành ngữ so sánh chứa từ “как” trong tiếng Nga với mô hình cấu trúc của thành ngữ so sánh chứa từ “như” trong tiếng Việt / Đoàn Thục Anh // Tạp chí Khoa học Ngoại Ngữ Số 59/2019 (Tháng 10/2019)


Idioms play a key role in the lexical system of a language. Idioms often attract researchers’ interest as these fixed phrases contain historical and cultural information for which idioms are considered the most diverse cultural-linguistic unit. There are a large number of idioms containing the word “как” in Russian and the word “như” in Vietnamese. Russian comparative idioms have yet been researched but merely mentioned in idiom dictionaries. A similar picture can be seen in Vietnamese comparative idioms. We conduct this study with an aim to analyze and describe key attributes of comparative idioms, to compare those in Russian and Vietnamese as long as to provide evidences in an independent idiom group system. On the basis of analyzing the corpus collected in idiom dictionaries and Russian-Vietnamese dictionaries as well as literary works, we contrast basic structural models of comparative idioms containing the word “как” in Russian and the word “như” in Vietnamese. Keywords: component, structural form, idiom, model.

基层治理创新模式的质疑与辨析——基于东西部基层治理实践的比较分析 = Discrimination on Creative Model of Grass-root Governance——Analysis Based on Comparing the East with the West in China / 周庆智. // Journal of Huazhong normal University. Vol.54, No.2(2015)
1-10 p.

The most important thing about the innovation of grass-root governance is practical experience,rather than so-called models manufactured by some people.The key is that almost all of the models are constrained in existing system,and not able to propel the existing system to a point where the model can be institutionalized,emulated and,most importantly,recognized.Hence,it is better to pay attention to varieties of grass-root practical experience rather than the models which can not be tested.The significance of this is that the method and direction can be found to improve governance from the accumulated experience.Besides,we cannot make creative adventure and fruitful institution change until we learn from practical experience.Otherwise,the socalled model we get is based on political manipulation or political performance competition rather than on long-term practical experience.As a result,it cannot play a role in promoting institution reform.

少数民族聚居地区双语教育适用模式探讨——以新疆维吾尔族聚居区为例=The Research 0f Bilingual Educational Applicable Models on the Minority Inhabitants In China—— Taking Uyghur Inhabitants as An Example / 王莉. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 4, 2015.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2015.
p. 86-90.


本体的扩大和对抽象事物的指称 / 贺川生. // 当代语言学 = Contemporary Linguistics. No.2/2018.
p. 195-213.

In extensional semantics,linguistic expressions are mapped to entities in the model,which constitute the ontology in philosophy. The classical entities in the model include individuals,sets,and truth values. This of course is not the whole landscape of modern semantics. Since the birth of semantics,scholars found that some of the linguistic expressions cannot be easily assigned to the existing entities in the model,so they innovatively introduced new entities into the model. This is a main avenu... More