Dòng Nội dung
INFORMATION ABOUT SHIJIE HANYU JIAOXUE // Chinese teaching in the world. shijie hanyu jioxue . 2015, No.4.

577 p

<正>Shìjiè Hànyǔ Jiàoxué is a quarterly journal which was founded in 1987 by the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching.It focuses on the study of the Chinese teaching,learning and testing as a foreign or second language as well as of Chinese linguistics.Manuscripts are referred by anonymous reviewers.The journal is published by Beijing

外向型词语辨析词典的搭配设计原则 = Designing Principles of Collocation for Foreign Oriented Word Discrimination Dictionaries. / Meng Kai. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2014, No.4.
p. 88-98.

Discrimination dictionary of confused words in Chinese provides diagnostic analysis of confused words for Chinese learners from different language background.Its designing principles of collocation include:1) the core principle of PERTINENCE,which is the prominent and fundamental principle for compiling discrimination dictionaries,embodies pertinence to the confusing points and the misuse tendency of learners from the specific language background;2) the principles of selecting collocation reflect in representativeness and practical applicability;3)the principles of presenting collocation reflect in sufficiency and appropriateness.Moreover,designing collocation is related to the selecting of collocation forms and the discrimination of confused words in the same structure.

维吾尔族学生汉语位移动词混淆特征及其原因分析 = An Analysis of the Characteristics and Influence Factors of Chinese Confusable Motion Verbs for Uyghur Students / 帕丽达·吾买尔; 程潇晓. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 4, 2013.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2013.
p. 58-64.
Focusing on the motion verbs in Uyghur students’ Chinese inter-language corpus, 15 pairs of Chinese motion verbs which are easily confused by Uyghur students are sifted out. 15 pairs of Chinese confusable motion verbs have certain rules in the misuse direction in multiple-to-multiple relationship, more than half of which are concerned with"verb-Directional Verb"construction and one third of which are antonymous relation. The major factors that lead to the confusion in Chinese motion verbs by Uyghur students include: usage mis-analogue and semantic domain mis-analogue in L1 words, direct translation of the expression of the motion event and interference by syntactic form of native language,etc.

翻译汉语语篇人称代词显化研究——基于自建经济类文献语料库 = A Study of Personal Pronouns Explicitation in the Translated Chinese Text——Based on Self-built Economic Corpus/ 高霞;佘松涛; // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.5.
p. 104-112.


蒙古学习者特异性汉语易混淆词及其母语影响因素 = An Analysis of Mongolian Students’ Chinese Confusable Words and the Factors of Mother Tongue Influence / 周琳; 萨仁其其格. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.1.
115-124 p.

Most confusion in Chinese words by Mongolian students lies in the confusion between words,apart from a small quantity of the confusion between word and bound morpheme or phrase.The confusion is mainly one-to-one type,the majority of which presents one-way misuse.Most of the right words are of big difference from the misused words in terms of meanings.The main interfering factors that lead to the confusion in specific Chinese words by Mongolian students include sememe mis-analogue,semantic domain mis-analogue,direct translation and the interference of paronym in L1 words.The study of the confusable words among Mongolian students provides valuable materials for dictionary compliers to solve the problem faced by learners with one native language,and meanwhile instills a new insight for learners with two native languages to learn the easily confused words in Chinese.