Dòng Nội dung
Lý thuyết mô phỏng trong giảng dạy ngoại ngữ nhìn từ góc độ giao tiếp ngôn ngữ / Đinh Lư Giang. // Ngôn ngữ. 2015, Số 3 (310).
tr. 18-28

Theory of Simulations is a set of methods to build settings for reseatch, study and training. The paper discusses on how this theory can be applied in building an environment/a simulation for foreign language teaching on the basis of language communicative approaches.

Tình hình sử dụng ngôn ngữ trong giao tiếp của các dân tộc thiểu số tại đồng bằng sông Cửu Lòng / Hoàng Quốc. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 1 (231).
60-68 tr.

Mekong River Delta is a multi – ethnic area. As each ethnic group has its unique cultural practices, such uniqueness could have influenced their language usagel.Hence, despite of living in the same area, each ethnic minority group’s language usage could be shaped by his ethnic background. However, each ethnic minority group in Mekong Delta area speak even more than two languages depending on their demographic, economic requyrements, religious characteristics and the social history. Language functions are sometimes dependent on region and purpose of usage. This assumption determined the aim of this study, which was to investigate how status influences language use among ethnic monority group (Khmer Hoa and Cham) in Mekong River Delta. This study suggest that ethnicity might need to be considered in cross – cultural communication in Vietnamese language.