Dòng Nội dung
Aux origines des emplois modaux de I imparfait. Le cas de I emploi hypothétique et de l’emploi contrefactuel. / Adeline Patard, Walter De Mulder. // Langages. 2014, Vol. 193.
p. 33-48.

Le présent article porte sur l’origine diachronique de deux emplois modaux de l imparfait: I’emploi hypothétique dans les constructions en “si” et l’emploi contrefactuel. Aprés avoir établi que ces deux tours existaient des l’ancien français où ils correspondaient à deux emplois distincts de l’imparfait dans la protase et l’apodose de constructions hypothetiqués, nous retraçons le développement de ces deux tours en latîn. Il apparaft alors que l’introduction de l’imparfait dans les hypothetiqués est étroitement liée à l’érosion sémantique des formes subjonctives. II semble aussi que l association croissante de l’imparfait avec les valeurs de contrefactualité et de distanciation a entraîné un affaiblissement progressif de sa valeur aspectuo-temporelle. Enfin, nous suggérons d’analyser cette évolution comme illustrant le passage du stade des « bridging contexts » à celui des « switch contexts» décrit dans le modéle du changement sémantique de Heine (2002).

Đặc điểm ngữ nghĩa nhóm từ ngữ chỉ cõi âm của ngôn ngữ nhà Phật = Semantic features of words related to the afterlife in buddhism / Lê Thị Lâm. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 1 (231).
83-86 tr.

While entering into Vietnamese, the vast majority of words denoting the afterlife remain their original meanings since there has never been such kind of vocabulary before in Vietnamese. Beside these terms, there appear quyte a large number of Buddhist words which usually change their meaning. These changes include not only a totl change of their original meanings but also an addition of new meanings or a drop of their semantic features..., which makes Vietnamese a diversified language.

Đặc trưng ngữ nghĩa của hiện tượng chuyển loại các từ chỉ bộ phận cơ thể người trong Tiếng Anh / Hồ Ngọc Trung. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 8 (238).
45-53 tr.

In the previous article, an indepth study was conduducted into the grammatical characteristics of conversion of English words denoting human body part, based on a corpus of 50 English words for the human body which undergo conversion, together with their 129 meanings.In this paper, from the same corpus, the semantic aspect of the phenomenon will be thoroughly investigated to find out the how semantic change takes place thruogh process of conversion.

Sự chuyển nghĩa của cặp từ ngữ phật giáo ác - thiện / Lê Thị Lâm. // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 9.
tr. 73-80.

This paper discusses the appearance and meanings of the pair “ac-thien” in Buddhism and ireal life contexts. The paper highlights different semantic features in these two fields. It also identifies some combinations which are used only in religious contexts and some combinations which are used both in Buddhism and in society. When being borrowed into Vietnamese, Ac derives many new meaning while Thien does not. These new semantic features are added to diversify Vietnamese. This fact shows that Buddhism words have a role to play in promoting and enriching Vietnamese.