Dòng Nội dung
Xác định phong cách ngôn ngữ bằng phương pháp định lượng. / Vũ Thị Sao Chi. // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 6 (301).
tr. 19-30.

Based on the prototype theory and quantitative methods in linguistics, the present paper suggests a way to identify language styles by quantitative methods. Some mathematical formulas have been used to measure the density of linguistic means in a prototypical document and the correlation between the linguistic means and the prototypical document and linguistic means of any compared document. The density measures of linguistic means in a prototypical document will highlight the most distinctive and typical linguistic means of a style. This is the prerequisite for constructing standards for each linguistic style. The correlations between the linguistic means of the prototypical document and the linguistic means of the compared document are used to assess whether or not the compared document belongs to the same style of the prototypical document. We consider this a trial in an attempt to contribute a new approach to study linguistic style - the quantitative stylistics.

民间的何以成为民族的——文学民族形式论争中的文体及语言问题 = The Folk,How to Be the National?——The Problems of Language Style and Language on the Controversy of National Forms / 刘进才. // Journal of Huazhong normal University. Vol.54, No.5(2015)
100-106 p.

For the realistic demands of the War of Resistance Against Japan,the old folk forms were received unprecedented attention.However,the using of folk forms has encountered contradictions between the old art forms and the new contents carried by the art.The discussion on the issues of national forms is the self-reflection and cleaning up when the Chinese new literature has developed into a certain historical period.How to achieve the creation from the old folk forms towards the new national forms,the new complex of language and language style raised in the discussion is a practical way.