Dòng Nội dung
论燕卜荪与英美新批评派之间的理论关联与分歧 = The Theoretical Correlation and Division between William Empson and Anglo-American New Criticism / 秦丹. // Journal of Huazhong normal University. Vol.54, No.4(2015)
105-111 p.

It is an improper understanding that William Empson belongs to the school of Anglo-American New Criticism.During the process of differentiating him from the New Critics,Empson gradually completes his delimitation in thinking and establishes the theoretical system with his distinctive characteristics.Empson highly emphasizes the importance of authors biography and historical background to understand the literature,which are exactly what the new critics trying to avoid.Empson expounds his view from perspectives ofform " and authors intention".It shows the clear proof of the theoretical division between him and Anglo-American New Criticism.

转折话语标记模式研究 = Study on Patterns of Transitional Discourse Markers / Song Hui; Beijing International Studies University; // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.2.
p. 66-72.

Words phrases or even clauses could play a role of transitional discourse markers,which always lie in the middle of a sentence and show the utterers’ specific intention.For example,transitional discourse markers could be used to change,to deepen,to insert the discourse information or to shift the topic to connect the words.And transitional discourse markers can be used as a clue for the receiver’s pragmatic inference.