Dòng Nội dung
Một vài ý kiến đóng góp về việc dạy và học môn dịch Trung-Việt = Some comments for teaching and training division of Chinese-Vietnamese translation / Lã Hạnh Ly. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2014, Số 10 (228).

Along with the intergration process according to trend of globalization, Vietnam has a high position in the international market, especially, after opening and reforming the economy, Vietnam has been known much through the way of economic and culture exchanges. Therefore, foreign language are considered as an important subject that helps Vietnamese make friends with other people in the world, join hands, learn experience and transfer technical technology. We can gind out the importance of learning a foreign language in an open economy and translation is considered as the product of a process in training a foreign language fo special purposes. Translation is a general skill that requires a learner practice a language at a higher level, reflected in the aspects such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulaty, thinking ability, general capacity, social knowledge and life experience which are indispensable in translation. In this lesson, we supply teachers and learners with some methods of translation for reference.

Positional faithfulness in Harmonic Grammar / Aaron Kaplan. // Journal of Linguistics Vol. 55- Issue 1/2019

In Tamil, coronals are licensed in onsets and initial syllables, exemplifying what Jesney (2011b) calls Licensing in Multiple Contexts (LMC). Jesney shows that while only positional faithfulness produces LMC in Optimality Theory, positional licensing provides a competing analysis of LMC in Harmonic Grammar (HG). This suggests that positional faithfulness may not be necessary in HG. We argue, though, that positional faithfulness remains essential. First, other facts in Tamil are incompatible with the positional licensing approach to LMC, rendering the positional faithfulness alternative the only viable analysis. Second, only with positional faithfulness can certain typological generalizations concerning assimilation between consonants be captured.