Dòng Nội dung
两岸合编语文词典中的敏感条目及其处置 = The Sensitive Words and Their Treatment in the Language Dictionary by Joint Compilers from Mainland and Taiwan / 王铁琨. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.2.
80-89 p.

The main thrust of this paper is on the sensitive words in mandarin in Mainland and Taiwan,which are marked with some historical imprints and usually carry a kind of ideology color.This paper offers a view on such proposition.In order to eliminate the language ambiguity and enhance mutual understanding between Mainland and Taiwan,we should face up to such language fact and handle properly these sensitive words in compiling a dictionary meant for cross-Straits readers.It’s possible to fulfill such a purpose if the lexicographers make every effort in seeking common ground while putting aside differences.The paper analyzes two types of sensitive words in the dictionary by means of plentiful examples,and proposes principle and solutions which can be transformed back and forth on certain conditions in treating related items.

公安术语汉译英:补偿策略. / 栗长江, 安翠丽. // Chinese translators Journal 2013, Vol. 34 (221). // 中国翻译 2013, 第34卷
北京 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2013.
tr. 113-115.


影视片名的维译策略探析 / 王娜. // 语言与翻译, Language and Translation No 2. 2018.

tr. 47-50

This article, based on translation principle, made a contrastive analysis of the diction, collocation, idioms proper nouns in Uyghur translation of title of movie and television play. The writer summarizes the commonly used strategies in title translating and put forward some suggestions for improving title translating.