Dòng Nội dung
A story without SELF : Vygotsky’s pedology, Bruner’s constructivism and Halliday’s construalism in understanding narratives by Korean children / Han Hee Jeung, David Kellogg. // Language and Education Vol.33, No 6/2019
UK : Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
p. 445-468 ; 26 cm.

The work of L.S. Vygotsky was popularised in the West between two great waves of educational thought: constructivism and cognitivism. Reception was therefore colored by three metaphors introduced by Jerome Bruner: ‘construction’, ‘scaffolding’ and ‘narrative’. Narratives were to be characterized by features we call SELF: Subjects, Expectancy and counter-expectancy, a Linear subject-verb-object clause grammar, and a Focalizing voice. In this paper, we try to understand how narratives might be learned in Korean, where subjects are optional and often dispreferred, processes tend to predominate in expectancy over participants, linearity is subject-object-verb rather than subject-verb-object, and even the focal voice must often be shared. For help, we return to Vygotsky’s work in ‘pedology’, the holistic science of the child, and to similarly inspired work on child language by M.A.K. Halliday. First, we explore Vygotsky’s own unit for the development of consciousness, perezhivanie, an untranslatable term for the way in which the child ‘over-lives’ experience through language. Second, we show how Halliday’s system networks can help us describe how perezhivanie might develop and we argue that Halliday’s term ‘construal’ is a more useful, non-metaphorical, description of what Vygotsky had in mind.

建构主义理论对普通话教学的启示 = Implications of Constructivism Theory for Putonghua Proficiency Test Teaching / 杨颖. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.2.
57-62 p.

Constructivism is the latest theory of instruction in western countries.By elaborating on the theory and analyzing the differences between this theory and traditional teaching theories,this paper advances the practical guiding significance of constructivism theory in teaching training courses of Putonghua Proficiency Test with an aim of improving its teaching quality.

影响汉语学习者跨文化认同的个体及社会心理因素 = Individual and Sociopsychological Factors on the Cross-Cultural Identity of Chinese Language Learners / WEI Yanjun; WANG Jianqin; ZHU Wenjing;Wen Ting. // Applied linguistics. 2015, No.2.
107-115 p.

The paper targets at 406 non-native learners who take Chinese as a second languagewith their distinct cultural backgrounds from America,Indonesia and Korea. From the linguistic,cultural,ethnic,and ideologicalidentity perspectives,the paper probes to individual and social psychology factors influencing the cross-cultural identity of the interviewees. Through questionnaires and data analyses,it is found that among the American learners,thosewho had studied in China enjoys a higher linguistic,cultural and ethnic identity than those who had not,but their ideological identityare at the same level. Ideological identityis not influenced by the length of time spent in Chinese learning,either. Among the four types of identities,cultural identity and ethnic identity are more influenced by learners ’attitudes and motivations,while linguistic identity is under less influence,yet ideological identity is least influenced. All the identitiesare of much more relevance with integrative motivation than with instrumental motivation.