Dòng Nội dung
定中式形名组合词长搭配的量化研究 = A Quantitative Study of Word-length Patterns in Chinese[A N]Compounds / 祁峰;端木三. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 5 (175) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第5卷 (175)

83-91 p.

本文从量化研究的角度来讨论定中式形名组合[1+1]、[1+2]、[2+1]、[2+2]结构的词长搭配问题。本文使用兰卡斯特汉语语料库(Lancaster Corpus of Mandarin Chinese),通过分析,得出以下结果:一、在定中式形名组合[1+1]、[1+2]、[2+2]、[2+1]四种组配模式中,[1+1]出现的频率最高,其次是[1+2]或[2+2],[2+1]最低。二、[2+1]相对于其他三种组配模式而言,出现的数量极少,而且主要局限于少数特殊结构;它跟名名组合中的[1+2]和动名组合中的[2+1]一样,都不是一种能产结构。三、语料的语体差异会导致统计数据的部分不同,但是不影响总体结论。

汉语形名组合的语义分析与识解——基于物性结构的探讨 = Semantic Analysis and Construe of Adjective-noun Composition——Based on the Qualia Structure. / Li Qiang. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2014, No.5.
p. 42-50.

Adjectives sometimes don’t modify nouns directly,but modify objects and events in relation with the nouns,which is called non-event coercion in this article. We will do research on this"adjective + noun"composition,mainly discussing why two unrelated constituents can combine,what is the motivation of this combination,and how is the process of semantic analysis and construe of this composition. Besides,for Chinese information processing,how to make computer accurately understand this kind of combination and then provide the correct meaning.