Dòng Nội dung
Thuật ngữ tiếng việt trong nền giáo dục khoa học= Vietnamese terminology in the country s education and science // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2015, Số 5 (235).

National Vietnamese terminology has been formed and developed for nearly a century. With the adoption of Latin scripts, the position of Vietnamese as the national language after The August Revolution has made the terminology develop fast, which has effectively served the development of our education, science and letter – day wide and deep international intergration. It is obviously that education and science have always been the foudation, the basis for the development of terminology and terminology, in its turn, has been actively serving the development of education and science

Thuật ngữ tiếng việt trong nền giáo dục khoa học nước nhà= Vietnamese terminology in the country s education and science / Lê Quang Thiêm // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2015, Số 5 (235).
tr. 1-6

National Vietnamese terminology has been formed and developed for nearly a century. With the adoption of Latin scripts, the position of Vietnamese as the national language after The August Revolution has made the terminology develop fast, which has effectively served the development of our education, science and letter – day wide and deep international intergration. It is obviously that education and science have always been the foudation, the basis for the development of terminology and terminology, in its turn, has been actively serving the development of education and science

Thuật ngữ tiếng Việt trong nền giáo dục khoa học nước ta = Vietnamese terminnology in the country s education and science / Lê Quang Thiêm. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2015, Số 5 (235).
tr. 1-6

National Vietnamese terminology has been formed and developed for nearly a century. With the adoption of Latin scripts, the position of Vietnamese as the national language after The August Revolution has made the terminology develop fast, which has effectively served the development of our education, science and letter – day wide and deep international intergration. It is obviously that education and science have always been the foudation, the basis for the development of terminology and terminology, in its turn, has been actively serving the development of education and science.

Thuật ngữ tiếng việt trong nền giáo dục khoa học nước ta= Vietnamese terminology in the country s education and science. / Lê Quang Thiêm // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2015, Số 5 (235).
tr. 1-6

National Vietnamese terminology has been formed and developed for nearly a century. With the adoption of Latin scripts, the position of Vietnamese as the national language after The August Revolution has made the terminology develop fast, which has effectively served the development of our education, science and letter – day wide and deep international intergration. It is obviously that education and science have always been the foudation, the basis for the development of terminology and terminology, in its turn, has been actively serving the development of education and science.