Dòng Nội dung
《动词意义与词库:第一语段句法》述评 = G. Ramchand: Verb Meaning and the Lexicon: A First – phase Syntax (2011). / YANG Daran. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2014, Vol. 46, No.3. // 外语教学与研究 2014, 第46卷.第3期
tr. 463-467.

<正>Gillian Ramchand.2011.Verb Meaning and the Lexicon:A First-phase Syntax.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.X+217pp.剑桥大学出版社出版的《动词意义与词库:第一语段句法》是剑桥语言学研究系列丛书之一。本书深入探讨了动词的词汇语义、事件结构与句法结构三者之间的相互关系,在vP语段内部建立了一个集句法结构和事件语义结构于一体的构式模型,打破了传统的词汇主义方法与构式主义方法的对立,为句法-语义界面研究提供了新的理论视角。下面首先介绍本书主要内容,然后给以简评。

《拼读与最简方案》评介 / Juan Uriagereka; 张孝荣; 何晓炜. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 3 // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第3卷

360-363 p.

<正>2012年牛津大学出版社出版了由Juan Uriagereka所著的《拼读与最简方案》(Spell-Out and the Minimalist Program)一书。在该书中,作者分析了多重拼读式推导模式在句法中的作用,并探讨了在生物语言学背景下最简方案的理论构建问题。本文将首先介绍该书的内容,然后作出简要评价。1.内容简介本书除引言外,共有7章内容。第一章:线性化(Linearization)。作者首先指出人类的运动系统在使用语

现代汉语“从……到……”格式考察 = Research on the Format of “Cong……Dao……” in Modern Chinese / Xing Xiang-wen; Jilin University of Finance and Economics; Shanghai Normal University. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.2.
p. 105-112.

The discourse and the tide of "Cong……Dao……" are described comprehensively in this paper.The discourse of "Cong……Dao……" presents three hierarchies which change from assertiveness to referential,"Dao" has the difference between verb and preposition.The tide of "Cong A Dao Z" is universal quantification expressions which covering all change of the main characters or the main thing in the event,"Cong" is a preposition,"Dao" is a verb,A and Z have the semantic properties of dominant or recessive[+ endpoint].