Dòng Nội dung
Đối lập giữa chủ ngữ và bổ ngữ trong tiếng Việt nhìn từ góc độ kết trị của vị từ./ Nguyễn Mạnh Tiến. // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 5 (300).
tr. 67-80.

Derived from the binding valence properties (the nuclear valence) of the verb – predicate, this article investigates the nature of the contrast between the subject and the complement in Vietnamese, thereby, pointing out the similarities and differences between the subject and the complement, analyzing and clarifying the phenomenon of neutralizing the contrast between the subject and the complement of the neutral verbs.

So sánh đối chiếu bổ ngữ giữa tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt = Comparison of Chinese and Vietnamese comlement / Nguyễn Thị Minh Trang. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 7 (237).
tr. 42- 46.

In this papers, we focus on comparative analysis of the complementary structure between Chinese and Vietnamese based on Chinese language. By this comparion, we can find out the similarities and differences of complementary between Chinese and Vietnamese langages. Vietnamese complementary have a number of similarities with Chinese language, such as complement of result, complement of trend ... But there are some kinds of complements whichs are characteristics of Vietnamese language as causal complement, temporal complement.

So sánh đối chiếu bổ ngữ giữa Tiếng Hán và Tiếng Việt = Comparision of Chinese and Vietnamese complement / Nguyễn Thị Minh Trang. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2015, Số 7 (237).

In this paper, we focus on comparative analysis of the complementary structure between Chinese and Vietnamese based on Chinese language. By this comparison we can find out the similarities and differences of complementaty between Chinese and Vietnamese languages. Vietnamese complementaty have a number of similarities with Chinese language, such as complement of result, complement of trend...But there are some kinds of complements which are characteristics of Vietnamese language as causal complement, temporal complement.

动词重叠的句法分析 = A Syntactic Analysis of Verbal Reduplication / 熊仲儒, Xiong Zhongru. // Chinese teaching in the world. shijie hanyu jioxue . 2016, No.2.
156-169 p

Verbal reduplication is not an inflection on the verb,in that the latter verb is a classifier borrowed from the verb.The borrowed classifier behaves in a similar manner to a common classifier:it can be combined with an NP or a DP,and is selective about the DP(e.g.,the DP cannot be indefinite).The classifier phrase headed by the borrowed classifier can act as a complement and take precedence in merging with the matrix verb.Hence,it has a complementary distribution with other types of complements in Chinese.It is argued that the borrowed classifier is not incorporated into the matrix verb,because the matrix verb can be aspect marked whereas verbal reduplication as a whole can not.Therefore,verbal reduplication is not a category on the same level with the perfective or progressive aspect

汉语动词虚化分析与维译研究 = The Analysis of Chinese Verb deficiency and the Study of Uyghur Translation / 佟菲菲, 黎勇 // Language and Translation no. 4(2016) // 语言与翻译 no. 4 (2016).

84-87+96 p.

There are two kinds of cases of grammaticalization of verbs in modern Chinese.One is the changing of verb either into prepositions or into dynamic auxiliaries:the other is into verb complement.The second of the cases is widely used in spoken and written language,because it can reflect the conciseness and richness characteristics of Chinese and it is used frequently.This paper is based on the previous study of Chinese verb grammaticalization,the grammaticalization of verbs,the analysis of the grammatical phenomenon,focusing on the translation methods and techniques into complement after deficiency in the Uighur language,to ensure that the habit of expression translation without distortion and in line with the Uygur language.