Dòng Nội dung
基于意象图式的动词“入”的多义体系及意义连接机制探究 / 王佳琪;赵秀凤. // t语言与翻译 ,Language and Translation No 2.2018

tr. 525-536

Spatial relations are important foundation of human cognition. The polysemous senses of spatial motion verb are directly motivated by image schema, which is based on spatial relations. By using image-schemabased approach, this paper, with a view of building the polysemous system of spatial motion verb ru, explores the linking mechanisms among different senses. The analysis shows that the central sense of verb ru extends with the changes of semantic roles in relative space position, motion paths ... More

现代汉语“从……到……”格式考察 = Research on the Format of “Cong……Dao……” in Modern Chinese / Xing Xiang-wen; Jilin University of Finance and Economics; Shanghai Normal University. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.2.
p. 105-112.

The discourse and the tide of "Cong……Dao……" are described comprehensively in this paper.The discourse of "Cong……Dao……" presents three hierarchies which change from assertiveness to referential,"Dao" has the difference between verb and preposition.The tide of "Cong A Dao Z" is universal quantification expressions which covering all change of the main characters or the main thing in the event,"Cong" is a preposition,"Dao" is a verb,A and Z have the semantic properties of dominant or recessive[+ endpoint].

维吾尔语动词“t∫iqmαq”多义范畴的语义延伸机制 = The Semantic Extension Mechanisms of Uyghur“ t∫iqmαq ”Polysemic Category / Li Yan-ping; Language and Culture College, Xinjiang Medical University. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 2, 2015.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2015.
p. 39-42+48.

Polysemy is not a universal and significant language phenomenon in every language,but also it has become one of the focuses concerned by linguists.From cognitive linguistics angles,this paper explores the semantic extension mechanism of Uyghu"r t∫iqmαq "polysemic category,and reveals the process and related senses of its semantic network by means of the perspectives of image schema,metaphor and metonymy.