Dòng Nội dung
《(重新)加标》述评 / 王晓娜, 毛眺源, Carlo Cecchetto... // 当代语言学 = Contemporary Linguistics. 2018/4 - Volume 20
p. 616-622.

<正>1. 引言《(重新)加标》((Re)labeling)是麻省理工学院出版社2015年出版的语言探索系列丛书之一。该书在最简方案框架下实践"词汇主义"(lexicalism)的要旨, 认为"词"(word)是形态模块向句法模块输送的原子构件, 能够自由地为通过合并运算形成的句法实体(重新)加标((re)label)。立足于此, 该书尝试利用(重新)加标理论解释关系化结构(relativization structures)、孤岛限制

从文化差异看语言间的异同——以英语、汉语和维吾尔语疑问结构构成对比研究为例 = A Look at the Language Similarities and Differences from the Perspective of Cultural Variations : Based on a Contrastive Study on the Formation of English,Chinese and Uyghur Question Sentences / Litip Tohti; The Department of Uyghur Language and Literature Minzu University of China. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 2, 2015.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2015.
p. 5-14.

There is no doubt that the use of question sentences is the reflection of one of the main cognitive activities of man,thus it can be viewed as a rule of Universal Grammar(UG).However,the natural human languages differ from each other in terms of the formation of question sentences.For instance,wh-movement languages and wh-word remaining in situ languages reflect two different parameters.Based on a contrastive study on the formation of the three types of question sentences,namely,yes-no question、wh-question and disjunctive-question of English,Chinese and Uyghur while examining the economy of their formation,the focusing degree of the questioned objects and answering mechanisms,this paper aims at finding out similarities and differences of these languages in both linguistic and cultural level.

略说近代汉语疑问句末的“来” = A Brief Survey of Lai at the End of Interrogative Sentence in Modern Chinese. / 傅惠钧. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 1 (171) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第1卷 (171)

78-87 p.

This article holds that in Modern Chinese Lai(来)is a modal particle expressing tense.It originated from a combination of the modal particle Lai in Pre-Qin period and the auxiliary word Lai at the end of a sentence in medieval period,the latter growing out of the bleaching of the serial verb construction"V(NP)Lai"to express present simple past,and it is used at the end of a interrogative sentence and has the function of increasing the tone of interrogation.After the Qing dynasty,it was gradually replaced by other modal particles such as Laizhe(来着),Ne(呢),Ba(吧)and so on.