Dòng Nội dung
Miêu tả hệ thống thanh điệu thổ ngữ Cương Gián (Hà Tĩnh) dựa trên các kết quả phân tích bằng phần mềm máy tính / Trần Hương Thục. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 8-9 (316-317)
150-160 tr.

Based on a computerised analysis with the help of WINCECIL, ASAP,PRAAT, thepaper describes the phonetic and phonoloical characteristics of Cương Gián tones. From the phonetics viewpoint, each tone in the Cương Gián subdialect is identified by pitch, phonation type, intensity, and duration. From phonological view, Cương Gián tonal system includes 4 tonems with different features on pitch: Contour, register; ponation types (modal vs. Glottal stop).

Post-nasal devoicing and the blurring process / Gasper Begus. // Journal of Linguistics Vol. 55, Issue 4/2019
p. 689-753

This paper addresses one of the most contested issues in phonology: unnatural alternations. First, non-natural phonological processes are subdivided into unmotivated and unnatural. The central topic of the paper is an unnatural process: post-nasal devoicing (PND). I collect thirteen cases of PND and argue that in all reported cases, PND does not derive from a single unnatural sound change (as claimed in some individual accounts of the data), but rather from a combination of three sound changes, each of which is phonetically motivated. I present new evidence showing that the three stages are directly historically attested in the pre-history of Yaghnobi. Based on several discussed cases, I propose a new diachronic model for explaining unnatural phenomena called the Blurring Process and point to its advantages over competing approaches (hypercorrection, perceptual enhancement, and phonetic motivation). The Blurring Process establishes general diachronic conditions for unnatural synchronic processes and can be employed to explain unnatural processes beyond PND. Additionally, I provide a proof establishing the minimal sound changes required for an unmotivated/unnatural alternation to arise. The Blurring Process and Minimal Sound Change Requirement have implications for models of typology within the Channel Bias approach. This paper thus presents a first step toward the ultimate goal of quantifying the influences of Channel Bias on phonological typology.

汉语普通话儿童英语词汇阅读的影响因素 : Factors associated with English word reading in Mandarin-speaking school children / 姜玉珍, 谢为伊, 孟祥芝. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.3. // 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第1期
405-416+481 p.

gpygyg yjg The present study aimed to investigate the factors associated with English word reading in Mandarin-speaking children by administering an English word reading test,aphonological awareness test,the Woodcock word attack and basic cognitive tests in seventy-six fourth and fifth graders.Results showed that the development of English word reading abilities was constrained by knowledge from both linguistic level and general cognitive skills,the former including phonological awareness and grapheme-phoneme conversion awareness and the latter revealed by working memory ability and basic information processing abilities.The results further suggested that theoretically,English word learning as a second language had domain-general mechanism beyond linguistic modularity,which was similar to that as native language.Meanwhile,these findings implied that practically,English teaching should strengthen not only instruction of linguistic knowledge,but also training of general cognitive abilities.