Dòng Nội dung
《(重)标算法》述评 / 张连文. // Foreign Language Teaching and Research 4/2018

tr. 628-633

<正>1.引言加标(labeling)理论(Chomsky 2013,2015)和加标算法(Labeling Algorithm,LA)是当前最简方案研究的前沿理论与核心机制。强势最简论(SMT)聚焦于标签在有效计算原则下的确定机制。基于合并运算和特征一致性的加标算法完善了探测算法(Probing Algorithm,PA),重标(relabeling)算法确定了被选合并项的范畴,优化了生成语法的分析模型。由法国国家科研中心Ceccheto教授

《参数再思考》述评 / 杨烈祥; 何贞慧; Luis Eguren; Olga Fernández-Soriano; Amaya Mendikoetxea. // Foreign Language Teaching and Research. 5/2018

tr. 794-798

<正>原则与参数理论(Principle and Parameter Theory)自创立以来,在解释语言多样性与共性之间的张力时起着重要作用,极大地促进了语言理论研究,在生成语言学中具有重要地位,同时也不断受到质疑和批评。由Eguren、FernándezSoriano和Mendikoetxea主编、剑桥大学出版社2016年出版的《参数再思考》一书从理论建设和语言经验两方面考察了与参数理论相关的诸多问题。除绪论部

《谓词领有》评介. / 孙文访. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.1. // 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第1期
141-146 p.

<正>Leon Stassen.2009.Predicative Possession.Oxford:Oxford University Press.xvii+644pp.Leon Stassen的Predicative Possession一书是作者运用类型学研究方法考察世界语言谓词领有结构(如"我有一本书")的专著。全书包括三大部分,分十三章。第一部分为谓词领有的类型,由第1-7章构成;第二部分为主要的语言事实,由第8-12章构成;第三部分是谓词领有编码的模型,为本书的第十三章。全

句法、语义和语用的互动——从“另外”、“其他”与other、another的对比谈起 : The interaction of syntax,semantics,and pragmatics——A comparison between Chinese lingwai/qita and English other/another / 金晶, 石定栩;JIN Jing;SHI Dingxu. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.2. // 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第1期
204-213+320 p.


句法、语义和语用的互动——从“另外”、“其他”与other、another的对比谈起 = The interaction of syntax,semantics,and pragmatics. A comparison between Chinese lingwai/qita and English other/another / JIN Jing; SHI Dingxu; Dept.of Chinese Language Studies,The Hong Kong Institute of Education;Dept.of Chinese and Bilingual Studies,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.2. // 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第4期
204-213+320 p.

This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the syntactic,semantic,and pragmatic properties of lingwai and qitain Chinese nominal phrases,in comparison with other and another in English.It is discovered that albeit both are used to refer to members apart from a given subset of a known set in the context,[lingwai-X]may refer in either an inclusive or a non-inclusive fashion(corresponding to definite and indefinite readings respectively)and imposes no constraints on the number property of the associated referent(s),whereas[qita-X]has to refer to plural entities in an inclusive manner,hence an obligatory definite interpretation.It is further shown that to properly determine the English counterpart of lingwai/qita out of the candidates such as other and another(with both other and another also being used to refer to members in addition to an already mentioned subset in a contextually given set),one needs to take into consideration the particular semantic and syntactic properties of the other /another-contained expression in question.