Dòng Nội dung
カラーワイド新国語要覧 / 松尾芭蕉,...
東京 : おうふう, 1995
302 p. ; 22 cm.

中・上級を教える / 国際交流基金.
東京 : ひつじ書房, 2011
189 tr. ; 26 cm.

云南汉语国际教育:问题与对策 = International education of the Chinese language in Yunnan:Problems and solutions / 朱耀顺, 刘娟 // Journal of Yunnan Normal University vol.15, no. 1 (2017).

85-92 p.

With the advance of "The Belt and Road",the international promotion of Chinese language also has an important development opportunity.Yunnan as the window and the front to west,it has the responsibility in the international promotion of Chinese language education.This article based on the current situation of international promotion of Chinese language of China,unifies the practice situation of international promotion of Chinese language in Yunnan.The article analysis the status of the international education and promotion of Chinese language in Yunnan and provide countermeasures that involve accurate positioning of development,efficient use resources of international promotion,effective teaching means and attach importance to the Language radiation force and cohesion of the group with common cultural background.