Dòng Nội dung
量词与数量结构的话语指称性分析 = Study on Classifier and the Discourse Referentiality of the Classifier Construction / Zhong Xiao-yong; Hangzhou Normal University;Zhejiang University. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.3.
p. 43-50.

There are many different kinds of classifiers,different classifier constructions(CCs)with different kinds of classifiers differs in persistence value,which relates definitely to different kinds of classifiers,furthermore,CC with individual classfier(CCi) differ not saliently in persistence value to CC with group classifier(CCg),which relates mainly to semantic referrentiality and syntactic role,but a little to number.CCi differs saliently in persistence value to CC with part classifier(CCp),which relates mainly to animacy,number and syntactic role.CCg differs saliendy in persistence value to CCp,which relates mainly to animacy,but a little to syntactic role