Dòng Nội dung
中原城市化进程中公民语言能力问题分析与思考 = Analyses and Reflections on Current Language Ability of Citizens during the Urbanization of Central Plains / 王生龙; 王劲松. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.2.
10-18 p.

We investigated the citizens’ language ecological situation in central plains by questionnaires and talks to seek information about citizen language ability during the urbanization of central plains.Based on the survey,we analyzed the conditions of the citizens’ language usage,language ability and language attitude so as to put forward strategies for language communication,language variation and language identity during the urbanization process,aiming to serve the economic development in central plains.

台湾中小学生语言使用与语言态度调查——以台北市、新北市、高雄市为例=On the Language Use and Language Attitude of Taiwanese Primary and Middle School Students: A Case Study of Taipei,New Taipei and Kaohsiung / 廖湘美, 林素卉, 庄斐乔, 苏祠华. // Applied linguistics. 2015, No.4.
103-112 p.

Taiwan consists of diverse cultural groups. Since the implementation of Mandarin Campaign,Mandarin have gradually replaced mother tongues of ethnic groups and become a lingua franca ofall ethnic groups. Based on the investigation on language useof Taiwanese primary and middle school students in greater Taipei( including Taipei and New Taipei) and Kaohsiung,it is found that there are discrepancies in language shift speed within different generations and areas.

在华跨国公司内部语言状况调查 = A Survey on the Language Situation of Transnational Corporations in China / 王利峰; 朱晋伟. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.1.
80-88 p.

This paper demonstrates the language use and the attitude within Transnational Corporations(TNCs) in China.The results show that diversity and complexity feature in the language situation of TNCs.Most TNCs use both English and Chinese,with the preference to one of them.This paper further explores that English dominates the oral context,and the use of Chinese is context-oriented.Moreover,foreign staffs speak Chinese in various occasions,some of which are highly–concentrated.Apart from the aforementioned findings,this study argues that the identity of Chinese proficiency among foreign employees is not so high.

广播电视媒体使用外文缩略语的受众态度调查=A Survey on Audience Attitudes Towards Foreign Abbreviations in Radio and Television Broadcasting / 张荻. // Applied linguistics. 2015, No.4.
53-60 p.


意大利华人青少年汉语语言态度及语言使用情况调查研究——以米兰ZAPPA高中为例 = An investigation of the Chinese-language attitude and language use of the Chinese adolescents in Italy:A case study of ZAPPA Senior High School in Milan / 李宝贵, 姜晓真 // Journal of Yunnan Normal University vol.15, no. 1 (2017). // 云南师范大学学报 vol.15, no. 1 (2017).

39-49 p.

In recent years,along with the increasing number of overseas immigrants,the problem of overseas Chinese adolescents’ language education becomes more and more prominent.Through the investigation and analysis of the language attitudes and language use of Chinese adolescents in Italy,this paper finds that there is a certain correlation between the Chinese adolescents’ language attitude towards Chinese and their use of the Chinese language.Accordingly,it puts forward three suggestions on improving Chinese teaching for overseas Chinese students as follows:stimulating overseas Chinese students’ Chinese-learning motivation;cultivating their affections for the Chinese language;creating appropriate Chinese learning environments for overseas Chinese students in the aspects of family,classroom and community.