Dòng Nội dung
《Blackwell音系学指南》核心观点综述 / 汤朝菊. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2015, Vol. 17, No.2.
227-234 p.

<正>1.主要内容及核心观点van Oostendorp等联合主编(Wiley-Blackwell 2001年初版、2011年再版)的五卷本《Blackwell音系学指南》(The Blackwell Companion to Phonology,以下简称《指南》)收录的124篇音系学论文,从正文到参考文献无疑都是非常有价值的。《指南》的基本情况和主要内容,李兵、王晓培(2014)已有介绍,本文主

从汉语音系看优选论的修订 = Revisit optimality theory:Perspective of Chinese phonology. / Wee Lian-Hee. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2014, Vol. 16, No.3.
p. 346-357.

As a generative theory of phonology,Optimality Theory provides an architecture of abstract grammar where all possibilities corresponding to an input form are evaluated by a universal set of constraints that have a language-specific ranking hierarchy so that an optimal output would be identified as the phonetic manifestation of some underlying phonological form.Under this conception,the notion grammaticality is no longer one of perfect accordance to rules of a given language,but rather of maximal parsimony with the ranked hierarchy of universal constraints.In principle,OT encompasses all languages so that,specific to Chinese,it would be merely a matter of finding the right constraint ranking.However,while OT has prompted phonologists to study Chinese from this perspective,the intricate patterns in Chinese can in turn refine the architecture of OT.This paper illustrates these Chinese contributions using examples drawn from(1) the structural sensitivity of tone sandhi,(2) the historical shift from voicing contrasts in prevocalic plosives to tonal register contrasts and(3) loanword phonology.

借词音系学与汉语借词研究 = Loanword phonology:A Chinese perspective. / Hsieh Feng-fan. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2014, Vol. 16, No.3.
p. 358-371.

The goals of this paper are two-fold.First,this paper introduces competing approaches to loanword phonology.Second,it provides a survey of instances of segmental and suprasegmental adaptation in Sinitic and minority languages in China and subsequently discusses the theoretical consequences thereof.Loanword adaptation shows that non-distinctive,redundant features must be involved in linguistic computation.More remarkably,enhancement effects are attested in the loanword adaptation patterns of the languages under discussion,lending further support to the role of perceptual saliency in phonology.On the odier hand,some unique phenomena,such as "tone deaf’ and "lexical conservatism" only found in these languages,pose non-trivial challenges to existing theories of loanword adaptation.In sum,it is shown in this paper that East Asian languages,albeit(morpho-)phonologically impoverished,do present a rich empirical ground for examining many important questions in phonological theory.

汉语方言变调系统的能产性与其理论分析 = The productivity of tone sandhi in Chinese dialects and its theoretical analysis. / Zhang Jie. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2014, Vol. 16, No.3.
p. 273-287.

In generative grammar,phonology refers to speakers’ tacit knowledge of the linguistic sound patterns.This entails that the traditional methodology of collecting data from lexical patterns in languages can only indirectly shed light on the nature of generative phonology.Recent research on experimental phonology has also shown that speakers’ phonological knowledge is not identical to lexical patterns.The tone sandhi patterns in Chinese dialects have presented considerable challenges to theoretical phonology:due to the phonetic and functional arbitrariness as well as the phonological opacity of many sandhi patterns,many synchronic tone sandhi systems remain unexplained in current theoretical frameworks of phonology.However,claiming that theoretical phonology cannot adequately handle tone sandhi is likely premature,as we have not carefully considered the issue from the perspective of the speakers’ knowledge.This article summarizes our recent findings on the productivity of tone sandhi in Mandarin,Tianjin,Shanghai,Taiwanese Southern Min,and Wuxi dialects using the nonce-probe paradigm.Our results show that not all tone sandhi patterns are fully reflected in speakers’ tacit knowledge,and the productivity of a sandhi pattern is related to its phonetic properties,phonological transparency,and usage frequency.These findings indicate that we need to use experiment methods to reevaluate the nature of the tone sandhi data that we have,and the new data so far allow certain theoretical problems to be addressed(e.g.,opacity),but present new challenges as well(e.g.,how to handle variations and exceptions and how to model the acquisition process.

音节与汉语音段音系 = The syllable and Chinese segmental phonology. / Lin Yen-Hwei. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2014, Vol. 16, No.3.
p. 328-345.

This paper examines how syllable structure influences the segmental phonological rules and constraints in Chinese,and discusses whether or not these data and phenomena support syllable theory in contemporary phonological theory and various analyses of Chinese syllable structure in the literature.The conclusion confirms the importance of the basic concept of the syllable and its constraints in the analysis of Chinese segmental phonology,but questions the need for complex hierarchical constituents in syllable structure.