Dòng Nội dung
“NP+好V”构式的认知机制与动态演变研究 = A Research on the Cognitive Mechanism and Dynamic Evolution of Construction ‘NP + hao V’. / Lei Dongping;Hu Lizhen. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2013, Vol. 27.

470-484 p.


“毕竟”的词汇化和语法化 = The Lexicalization and Grammaticalization of Bijing(毕竟). / 张秀松. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 1 (171) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第1卷 (171)

105-112 p.

Bijing(毕竟)is a mood adverb emphasizing cause or the radical characteristics of the entities.However,it is a multifunctional expression in classical Chinese.The following problems concerning Bijing are controversial among the researchers of Chinese:(1)When did the word Bijingappear in history?(2)When did the temporal adverb Bijing appear and how to paraphrase it?(3)How did Bijingas an evaluative mood adverb evolve?(4)How did Bijingas an interrogative mood adverb evolve?Based on the close exploration of the large-scale linguistic data,this paper attempts to solve the above-mentioned problems in terms of lexicalization and grammaticalization theory from a historical perspective.

《启动在二语学习、教学和研究中的应用:来自心理语言学的启示》评述. / 易文静;王家明. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.1. // 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第1期
147-150 p.

<正>Pavel Trofimovich & Kim McDonough(eds.).2011.Applying Priming Methods to L2 Learning,Teaching and Research:Insights from Psycholinguistics.Amsterdam:John Benjamins.265pp.1.引言近年来二语习得的研究越来越注重二语学习的心理机制,据PsychoInfo的摘要数据库显示,2006-2010间出现了340篇二语加工系列的研究,同比2001-2005的266篇的相关研究,增长了34%。尽管立足于心理语言学的二语习得研.

《语法化研究的新动向》介绍 / Andrew D.M.Smith, Graeme Trousdale, Richard Waltereit... // 当代语言学 = Contemporary Linguistics. No.2/2018.
p. 300-303.

<正>《语法化研究的新动向》(New Directions in Grammaticalization Research)是John Benjamins出版社在2015年出版的论文集,主编为Andrew D.M.Smith、Graeme Trousdale和Richard Waltereit。全书共五个部分,收录了12篇文章。在导言中,主编简要介绍了语法化近年来的发展趋势、本书的编写目的及各章节内容,指出目前语法化的议题包罗甚广,不同于以往传统的研究。第一部分收录一篇文章,研究焦点是手语中否定的语法化。在"headshake(摇头)的语法化——从头部运动到消极的头"一文中,Pfau

《语言和空间中的运动编码》评介 / 邓宇, 李福印. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.2. // 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第1期
303-308 p.

<正>Mila Vulchanova&Emile van der Zee(eds.).2013.Motion Encoding in Language and Space.Oxford:Oxford University Press.xiv+235pp.运动编码在语言和认知中扮演着重要角色。语言学、心理学和计算机科学中已有大量研究探索语言如何编码一个实体相对于另一实体位置的改变,其研究范围涉及语言如何编码运动及其路径、运动方式以及运动的致使力。近年来.