Dòng Nội dung
“毕竟”的词汇化和语法化 = The Lexicalization and Grammaticalization of Bijing(毕竟). / 张秀松. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 1 (171) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第1卷 (171)

105-112 p.

Bijing(毕竟)is a mood adverb emphasizing cause or the radical characteristics of the entities.However,it is a multifunctional expression in classical Chinese.The following problems concerning Bijing are controversial among the researchers of Chinese:(1)When did the word Bijingappear in history?(2)When did the temporal adverb Bijing appear and how to paraphrase it?(3)How did Bijingas an evaluative mood adverb evolve?(4)How did Bijingas an interrogative mood adverb evolve?Based on the close exploration of the large-scale linguistic data,this paper attempts to solve the above-mentioned problems in terms of lexicalization and grammaticalization theory from a historical perspective.