Dòng Nội dung
“无比”副词化的动因、机制及其功能扩展研究 = The motivations and Mechanisms of Adverbialization of “Wubi” and the Extension of Its Functions. / 雷冬平; 覃慧娴; 李要珍. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 6 (170) // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第6卷 (170)

74-83 p.

The word Wubi(无比)is used as a verb or a degree adverb in the contemporary Chinese language.As a verb,Wubi(无比)appeared in documents during Qin and HanDynasties with the construction of"NP+Wubi(无比)".Then this form was developed into the construction of"AP+Wubi(无比)"in the Medieval Chinese Language.The word used before Wubi(无比)is a double syllable adjective,which makes lexical meanings of Wubi(无比)gradually illusory and become an adjective of high degree.As a result of syntactic extraposition and the emphasis on the information,Wubi(无比)moves to a front position and obtains adverbial functions.This evolution of the degree adverb Wubi(无比)was accomplished during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.In addition to it,in the contemporary Chinese,especially in the network language,the function of the degree adverb Wubi(无比)has a tendency to further expand.

Polish new speakers of Welsh: motivations and learner trajectories / Karolina Rosiak. // Language, Culture and Curriculum Volume 31, 2018 - Issue 2

Based on fieldwork in North West Wales, this article examines motivations of Polish post-2004 migrants to Wales to study Welsh and their learner trajectories on the journey to becoming new speakers. Previous studies on Poles in Wales, based mostly in South West and South Wales, concentrated on various social aspects of the lives of the migrants and barely touched on the linguistic aspects of life in officially bilingual Wales. Drawing on qualitative data obtained through semi-structured interviews from 11 participants, this article contests the claims presented by Barłóg (2010) that Poles are not interested in learning Welsh as they find the language an unnecessary burden. It is suggested that Polish migrants do have positive attitudes towards the Welsh language. However, these attitudes and motivations to learn the language depend on a number of factors such as the strength of Welsh as a community language in a given locality, having children learning Welsh at school as well as family and friends connections to the language.