Dòng Nội dung
《多语语料库和多语语料库分析》评介. / 韩存新. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2014, Vol. 46, No.5. // 外语教学与研究 2014, 第46卷.第5期
793-798 p.

<正>《多语语料库和多语语料库分析》是John Benjamins出版公司于2012年推出的论文集,是"汉堡大学多语现象研究"系列丛书的第14卷。本书的两位主编Thomas Schmidt和Kai Wrner是德国汉堡大学多语现象特别研究中心的教授,长期致力于多语语境下的语言研究。本书汇集了众多语料库语言学专家在多语语料库的设计和构建、语料的标注和管理、软件开发和应用以及基于多语语料库的研究方面的最新成果。多语语料库不仅可以揭示语言之间的差异,还有助于我们理解每种语言的运作机理(Simon-Vandenbergen 2008:127)。语料库语言学专著当中专门讨论多语语料库尤其是将重心放在多语语料库本体研究的还很少见,本书值得读者关注。

中国英语学习者书面语水平发展个案动态研究 = A dynamic case study on the development of Chinese EFL learners’ written language proficiency. / WANG Haihua;LI Beibei;XU Lin. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.1. // 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第1期
67-80 p.

Based on Dynamic Systems Theory,this study,which lasts for 48 weeks,explores the development of four non-English majorslinguistic accuracy,fluency,lexical complexity and grammatical complexity in English writing.Results show that the changing trajectories of studentslinguistic accuracy,fluency,lexical complexity and grammatical complexity in English writing are non-linear,with peaks and troughs,progress and backsliding.The development of their written English is obviously dynamic and variable.The developmental path for each individual learner differs from that of the group,which shows a slower process.As for different individuals,however,they have great changes at different times.Different factors,including social life experiences,language input,writing time and affective factors,lead to the seemingly same changes.