Dòng Nội dung
Các chiến lược của lối nói vòng vo./ Nguyễn Đăng Khánh // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 5 (300).
tr. 31-46.

Circumlocution is an interesting and special phenomenon with a lot of diversified and effective strategies. This article will describe the forms of expressions in each strategy group of circumlocution. Depending on the impact direction and sphere, each strategy group can have its distinct effect. All these strategy groups underwent three phases, and they made 9 generalized patterns of communication. The analysis has shown that communication strategies can reveal the permanent nature, impact address, impact method, preferred nature, stamp of habit, cultural tradition. The analysis also attests to the universal nature and characteristics of circumlocution, its roles in building national characteristics of language and culture.

Sémantique desjugements épistemlques: degré do croyance et prime on charge. / Laurent Gosselin. // Langages. 2014, Vol. 193.
p. 63-82.

Cet article propose une nouvelle analyse des jugements épistémiques (X croire/savoir/s’imagine que p) dans le cadre de la Théorie Modulaire des Modalités (Gosselin 2010). Après avoir critiqué l’application à la sémantique linguistique de certains principes de la logique épistémique (comme celui de l’objectivité du savoir), nous proposons une analyse énonciative de la factivité, qui se trouve nettement distinguée à la fois du degré de croyance et de la factualité. Dans ce cadre, nous traitons de la factivité dans le discours rapporté et de la projection des présuppositions. Nous montrons enfin que cette analyse syntactico-sémantique de la modalité peut servir de base à une approche pragmatique de la modalisation dans le discours.

否定辖域及焦点否定之语义解释 = Scope of Negation and the Meaning of Focused Negation/ 刘丽萍. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 5 (169) // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第5卷 (169)

69-78 p.

This paper discusses the scope of the negation and the meaning of focused negation.It supports an idea that the negation scope in Chinese is a c-commanding domain of negative words.Within clauses,negation will associate with focus in spite of its scope.It is argued in this paper that the semantic interpretation of negative sentences containing focus is closely related to the semantic characteristics of contrastive focus and its interaction with negation.On the basis of previous studies,this paper presents a semantic interpretation for the negative sentence with a contrastive focus,which includes:(i) assertion meaning and(ii)implicature.Besides,this paper holds that the negation is associated with focus in its implicature.

隐性语义等级序列的激活机制及其语篇整合效应 = Activation Mechanism of the Covert Semantic Hierarchy and Its Effect on Discourse Integration. / Shi Huimin;Wu Weishan. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2014, Vol. 28.

449-460 p.
