Dòng Nội dung
主谓句段的主语界定 = Subject in Sentence Segments of the SP Type. / Yang Guowen. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2013, Vol. 27.

435-453 p.

Lü Shuxiang proposed the theoretical model of sentence segments for Chinese language analysis in the early 1960s. According to the model,a sentence is formed by sentence segments; and a sentence segment of the SP type consists of the Subject and the Predicate. In this paper we try to present some criteria for identifying the Subject in sentence segments of the SP type with reference to the theory of SFG and some existing achievements in the field,especially the relevant analyses proposed by Lü Shuxiang himself. Like most languages,Chinese has its own basic sentence patterns for expressing processes of different types. The constituents of a basic sentence pattern have unmarked features in terms of information value,grammatical function and semantic role; hence,we can get the unmarked Theme and the unmarked conventional Subject in this way. The changes in the order of the constituents will lead to their non-conventional and marked features in the construction. If the conventional Subject is absent,an affected Complement or a Complement of Range,when occurring before the main verb,can be identified as the non-conventional Subject.

汉语动结式事件结构加工的实验研究——以“哭湿”和“推倒”类为例 = An Experimental Study on the Processing of Chinese VR Constructions:A Case Study of Ku-shi and Tui-dao Types / 冯丽娟 // Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies no. 1 (2017). // 语言教学与研究 no. 1 (2017).

3-13 p.

Based on the analysis of event structure of ku-shi(哭湿)and tui-dao(推倒)types of Chinese VR(Verb-Result) Constructions,this paper designs an E-Prime experiment to investigate the processing of the event structures.The result demonstrates that(1)English native speakers can process the causal relation of two sub-events,but cannot reach the level of automatic processing like Chinese native speakers;(2)since the patient is not prominent in event structure,neither English native speakers nor Chinese native speakers process it when they acquire the tui-dao type;(3)advanced English native speakers master the deep semantic relation of these two types of VR constructions,but need more time to process.