Dòng Nội dung
《(重)标算法》述评 / 张连文. // Foreign Language Teaching and Research 4/2018

tr. 628-633

<正>1.引言加标(labeling)理论(Chomsky 2013,2015)和加标算法(Labeling Algorithm,LA)是当前最简方案研究的前沿理论与核心机制。强势最简论(SMT)聚焦于标签在有效计算原则下的确定机制。基于合并运算和特征一致性的加标算法完善了探测算法(Probing Algorithm,PA),重标(relabeling)算法确定了被选合并项的范畴,优化了生成语法的分析模型。由法国国家科研中心Ceccheto教授

疑问代词“怎么”的语义扩展过程 = The Process of Semantic Extension of Question Pronoun “Zenme”. / Wang Xiao-Qiong ; He Hong-Feng. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2013, No.6.
p. 65-73.


程度副词修饰动词再考察 = A Study of Adverbs of Degree Modifying Verbs. / Yang De-Feng. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2014, No.4.
p. 3-9.

This paper finds out 31 adverbs of degree can modify 319 verbs on the basis of corpus statistics. The verbs are not only mental verbs,but also non-action verbs and action verbs.The paper points out it has been categorized that adverbs of degree modify verbs,some adverbs are prototypical members,and some are non-prototypical ones . At mean time,the verbs also have been categorized,mental verbs are prototypical members,non-action verbs and action verbs are non-prototypical ones.At last,this paper points out the verbs that can be modified by adverbs of degree have the semantics "degree".