Dòng Nội dung
Étude de certains marqueurs discursifs « perception » en français, russe et khmer / Jean-Jacques Franckel,Dara Non,Sophie Rose. // Langages n° 207 (3/2017)
pp. 49-64.

This article deals with a series of discourse markers (DM) related to the notion of “perception” in three languages: French, Russian and Khmer. It is divided into three parts. The first one puts forward a hypothesis about the notion of “perception”. The second one gives a description of each DM in question from a double point of view: according to its classification (point of view DM, classifying DM, particle DM); according to the semantic value of the morpho-lexical items forming the DM and founding its specificity. The third part describes the values of the various DMs in each language. As regards the DMs in Khmer and Russian, an analytic comment is put forward in order to account for their specificity. A synthesis is worked out as a conclusion.

Le marqueur discursif maa en japonais / Fumitake Ashino. // Langages no 207 (3/2017)
pp. 117-128.

The particle maa is a most frequent marker in spoken Japanese, showing quite different values. This article proposes a hypothesis on the semantics of maa, defined as marking the doubt of the speaker as regards the validation of an event or a fact (noted P) as given in the left context or in the situation. This semantic identity of maa endows P with both a positive and a negative value – the negative component specifying the subjective relation of the speaker to P. Five main types of uses of maa are distinguished on the basis of two criteria: the way P is given in the context or situation; the variable weighting of the positive value and the negative value that maa endows P with.