Dòng Nội dung
Accorder ou non : Un choix difficile. Une étude des constructions Tough en roumain dans une perspective comparative / Ion Giurgea, Elena Soare // Langages nº 218 (2/2020)
France : Armand Colin, 2020

Cet article est dédié au problème de l’accord dans les constructions Tough (Tough constructions – TC). Parmi les langues romanes, le roumain est la seule à ne pas accorder le prédicat tough et à utiliser une autre forme non-finie que l’infinitif dans la TC. L’article passe en revue certains problèmes rencontrés par les analyses antérieures et choisit une analyse alternative, puis aborde une généralisation empirique selon laquelle une condition nécessaire de l’absence d’accord du prédicat tough est l’absence d’une distinction morphologique entre adjectif et adverbe. Les langues mentionnées sont le roumain et d’autres langues romanes, ainsi que l’allemand, le néerlandais, l’albanais, l’arabe, le russe et l’islandais.

Bàn về điều kiện tồn tại của cụm "Phó từ + Danh từ" trong tiếng Hán hiện đại / Đỗ Thu Lan. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 10 (240).
39-45 tr.

The cluster of "adverb +noun" exists quite common in modern language but not entirely recognized by grammatical specialists. Based on the split of the cluster of "adverb + noun" into two categories: grammatical "adverb+noun" phrase and rhetoric "adverb + noun"phrase, the purpose of this article is studying the conditions of using the cluster of "adverb + noun" in term of grammar and semantecs in modern Chinese.

Bàn về điều kiện tồn tại của cụm "Phó từ + danh từ" trong tiếng Hán hiện đại = Discussing the conditions of using cluster of “Adverb + noun” in modern Chinese / Cao Như Nguyệt. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2015, Số 10 (240).

The cluster of “adverb + noun” exist quite common in moder language but not entirely recognized by grammatical specialists. Based on the split of the cluster of “adverb + noun” into two cateogories: grammatical “adverb + noun” phrase and rhetoric “adverb + noun” phrase, the purpose of this article is studying the conditions of using the cluster of “adverb + noun” interm of grammar an semantics in modern Chinese.