Dòng Nội dung
古代中国人关于事物本体的发现——“稽”字的哲学之旅/ 蒋重跃 // Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and social sciences 2013, Vol. 4 // 南京大学学报 : 哲学社会科学 2013, 第四集
南京: 南京大学学报编委会, 2013
tr. 68-84

正如古代希腊哲学家在 ,的讨论中发现了事物的本质一样,古代中国的哲人则在“稽”的讨论中得到了同样的结果。春秋后期到战国末年,除了日常语义之外,“稽”字的内部渐渐地增加了一些哲学含义。《老子》有“稽式”一词,表示事物的存在样式。战国中期以后,“稽”的“考核”“验证”等含义得到广泛使用,这与当时形名法术的兴起有关。在《苟子》中,“稽”与“道”相合,又成为把握事物之度的活动。在与韩非同时代的《鹗冠子》一书中,又用来指代“道”在具体事物中的表现。于是就有了事物本体(本质)的含义。按训诂可知,“稽”与“至”、“止”、“积”、“纪”、“计”等字相通,有到达、停留、积滞、原则和考核等含义。在《韩非子·解老篇》中,韩非提出“定理”的观点,认为“理”乃事物的“形象”或“规矩”,只有“理定”,才可“计会”(考量)。“道”指事物的总体存在,若没有“理”的规定,没有留止的特征,就是不可知的。“道”只有和“理”统一起来,才会成为具体事物的本质。“稽”字所有的含义与韩非的这些观点相吻合,所以才被他用来指代“道”“理”关系。据德国哲学家海德格尔研究,古希腊的 (所谓“在者的在”,即事物本体或本质)就具有“停留”、“模式”、“根据”、“当下”等含义,归根到底,他称之为“常住的在场”。韩非用“稽”字表示“道”“理”关系,恰恰具有相同的含义。如果说古代中国也有某种类似在场形而上学的哲学思想的话,那么,韩非凭借着以“稽”为标志的理论创造活动就当之无愧地成为这个传统的杰出代表人物。

论海德格尔中期哲学的本体论与方法论——关于《哲学论稿》核心概念的中译及其思考 = On the Chinese Translation of Ereignis and Besinnung in Contributions to Philosophy. / NI Liang-kang. // Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2014, Vol. 51, No. 3. // 南京大学学报 : 哲学社会科学 2014, 第一卷
tr. 100-106.

It is Heidegger’s idea that there are two distinctions in his Contributions to Philosophy:first,the reflections done are of breadth; and second,a new style of meditation is ushered in.With the second distinction,Heidegger himself was never so satisfied that it has been presumed that that is why he refused to publish the mentioned manuscripts in his lifetime. The thinking style as reflected in these manuscripts makes itself difficult to discuss about the thinking itself in traditional format of an academic article,and all signs indicate that Heidegger himself never expected any philosopher of later generations to follow suit. The present writer is dealing with the translation of two important terms in the Chinese version of Contributions to Philosophy,with a realization that Ereignis and Besinnung should be better rendered as "本然"and"思义"to make clear both the ontological and methodological implications respectively.