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基于平行语料库的《红楼梦》意义显化翻译考察——以霍译本林黛玉人物特征为例. /c姚琴. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2013, Vol. 45, No.3. // 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第3期
tr. 453-463.

This article identifies the salient translation features of Lin Daiyu’s character in David Hawkes’s Translation by comparing the original Chengyiben version corpus with its target parallel Hawkes’s Translation corpus. The current study restricts its scope to the observation and analysis of the nouns right behind the phrase “Daiyu’s” which embody Lin Daiyu’s character, with adverbials collocated with the phrase “said Daiyu” further testified. ICTCLAS and AntConc are employed to generate objective data for comparative analysis. The corpus-based study of the Chinese-English parallel corpus finds that Lin Daiyu’s character in Hawkes’s Translation is explicated semantically by means of explanation and addition. The motivations underlying the translator’s expticitations are also investigated. It is suggested that the translator’s sensitiveness towards the linguistic contrasts and cultural lacunae lends support to the employment of these translation strategies to facilitate western readers’ appreciation.

汉英交替传译中的显化特征——职业译员与学生译员对比研究. /c唐芳, 李德超. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2013, Vol. 45, No.3. // 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第3期
tr. 442-452.

This study examines features of explicitation in the output of professional and student interpreters. Employing an analytical framework informed by Systemic Functional Linguistics, the study considers three key data sources: the interpreters’ output in a controlled Chinese-English consecutive interpreting task, their interpreting notes, their retrospection and interview feedback. The study finds that a majority of explications result from the interpreters’ attempts to 1) supply extra explanations to facilitate understanding; 2) emphasize speaker’s attitude; 3) gain extra time to process difficult information or 4) avoid embarrassed silence by elaborating the known parts. The comparison of the two groups also reveals that 1) the student ones employ explicitation more frequently as a strategy to make up for the deficiency in their interpreting competency while the professionals to reduce listeners’ comprehension efforts; 2) the student ones’ explications rely more on their notes than that of the professionals; 3) the professionals tend to reveal the speakers’ appraisal information more often than the students.

论实现法律法规术语汉英译名统一的四种方法 / 刘法公 // Chinese translators Journal 2013, Vol. 34 (222). // 中国翻译 2013, 第34卷
北京 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2013.
tr. 82-86
