Dòng Nội dung
反复体的语义特征及其形态句法表现. / 刘鸿勇,张庆文,顾阳. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2013, Vol. 45, No.1. // 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第1期.
tr. 24-35.

The frequentative aspect, as a kind of quantificational aspect, can be decomposed into three I semantic features: repetitiveness, distributivity and cumulativity, which are said to be universal across languages. Our comparative study of the frequentative aspect expressions in three typologically different languages, i.e. Mandarin Chinese, English and Nuosu Yi, indicates that the frequentative aspect can only be operative with telic predicates. Morphosyntactically, the frequentative aspect displays varied marking strategies in different languages. The general tendency is that I in Chinese it is expressed in the form of V-le-you-V; in English it is expressed via a covert frequentative operator, and in Nuosu Yi it is expressed by a morphological frequentative aspect I marker. The investigation of the frequentative aspect marking strategies in different languages enables us to better understand linguistic universals and differences in terms of how aspect is encoded in natural languages with different morphosyntactic forms.