Dòng Nội dung
Sự lựa chọn ngôn ngữ trong giao tiếp: nghiên cứu trường hợp người Hoa ở huyện Vĩnh Châu, tỉnh Sóc Trăng. / Hoàng Quốc. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2014, Số 5 (223)

This article analyzes the domains of language use and choice of the Chinese speaking community in Vinh Chau district Soc Trang province in relation to Chinese dialect maintenance in a multilingual region. Language use and choice has been a debated issue whenever languages come into contact. It refers to a situation where members of a speech community try to keep a language the way it has always been used despite linguistic challenges emerging from a multilingual convergence. In this paper we argue that Chinese dialect, a minority language spoken in Chinese community in Vinh Chau district, Soc Trang province, is expected to face maintenance challenges.

Thực trạng sử dụng ngôn ngữ của người Hoa ở Kiên Giang./ Hoàng Quốc // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 4 (299).
tr. 45-58.

This paper describes the language competence and language use of the Hoa/ Chinese in Kien Giang province. The survey was carried out by using observation and questionnaire with 212 Hoa/Chinese in Kien Giang province. And the results of the study reveal that: 100% Hoa/Chinese use Vietnamese fluently because they have lived in Vietnam for a long time, and they use Vietnamese in most domains of communication while they use their mother tongue, the Chinese dialect, only at home but not regularly and in their community activities. The number of people who speak Chinese is declining; the role and function of Chinese dialect are much shrunk. Thus, Chinese will be lost in the near future if no measures are taken to encourage its use.