Dòng Nội dung
Phát triển các nghiên cứu của M.A.K. Halliday trong giáo dục ngôn ngữ. / Trương Thị Như Thủy. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2014, Số 6 (224).
tr. 40-45.

Educational linguistics studies innovative in language education. This discipline provides a space for research that crosses traditional in theories and methodologies of language teaching and learning. Based on the paper “Developing dimensions of an educational linguistics” by Christie and Unsworth (2006), this article will focus on some current language-related issues emerging from works in educational linguistics by Halliday. His contributions to educational linguistics can be seen increasingly extended in many fields of literacy and language education not only in English-speaking countries but also in other countries of the world.