Dòng Nội dung
Về khái niệm “Phong cách ngôn ngữ”./ Vũ Thị Sao Chi // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 4 (299).
tr. 13-23.

Starting from the fact that the choice and language usage vary according to discourse fields which in turn leads to the emergence of the linguistic style, the present paper proposes the following definition of the concept of “linguistic style”: “A linguistic style refers to the consistent use of language in a certain discourse field and in conformity with the habits of a certain linguistic community”.

Về sự phân loại ngôn ngữ./ Vũ Thị Sao Chi // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 5 (300).
tr. 21-30.

Starting from the fact that the choice and language usage vary according to the discourse fields, the present paper suggests a classification of linguistic styles based on the contrasts of discourse fields. Depending on the contrasts among the discourse fields in different high-low levels, there are generally 4 levels of linguistic styles which are level 1 (colloquial style – written style); level 2 (register level styles); level 3 (genre styles); and level 4 (individual styles).