Dòng Nội dung
Ảnh hưởng của thói quen sử dụng tiếng Việt tới cách viết tiếng Anh học thuật của sinh viên Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội./ Phan Thị Ngọc Lệ. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2014, Số 3 (221).
tr. 74-78.

The article analyses some informal and non – academic expression in 150 academic essays by Vietnamese students from three universities of Vietnam National University (VNU) namely University of Natural Sciences, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, and University of Languages and International Studies and then discusses the major causes and reasons of the situation. It can be seen from the findings that students’ essays did not meet the standard of Vietnamese writing habits and the different thinking styles of people who belong to one culture and write in another language. Based on this explanation, some suggestions and implications have also been proposed to improve the quality of academic writing by Vietnamese students. It is hoped that Vietnamese learners can find the best ways for their English learning in general and for their writing skill in particular.