Dòng Nội dung
Biểu thức ngữ vi hỏi giải thích trực tiếp chứa từ hỏi “어디- đâu/ ở đâu” trong tiếng Hàn./ Hoàng Thị Yến. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2014, Số 3 (221).
tr. 8-17

Our study inherits relevant research and carries out surveys, statics and analysis of characteristics of language expression of directly asking to explain which contains question word “어디- where/ in where” (based on the source of Korean linguistic data). The article analyzes characteristics of language expression of directly asking to explain which contains question word 어디 (with the meaning of i) showing parts of the body/health, ii) showing location, iii) and other meaning) in relations with responsive actions and factors of language use and events in communication.