Dòng Nội dung
Chuyển loại trong tiếng Anh dưới góc nhìn ngôn ngữ học hình thức và ngôn ngữ học tri nhận / Võ Thị Ngọc Ân // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2013, Số 12 (218)
tr. 40-47

This paper discusses the different approaches to conversion in English, that is, the traditional approach with the zero-derivation theory in formal linguistics and the approach with the metonymy theory in cognitive linguistics. In general, both of the approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we need to take their advantages in explaining, teaching and researching this linguistic common but quite diverse and complex phenomenon.

The paradigmatic aspect of compounding and derivation / Aysun Kunduraci. // Journal of Linguistics Vol. 55, Issue 3/2019
p. 563-609

This study aims to show the dynamic aspect of word-formation paradigms in autonomous morphology by examining the compound marker in Turkish Noun–Noun compounds, as in buz paten-i ‘ice-skate (ice skate-cm)’, and its relation to derivational suffixes. The study proposes a process-based morphological paradigm structure which involves compounding and derivational operations. In this system, the compound marker has a formal paradigmatic function: it creates correct lexeme forms based on bare Noun–Noun compounds, which would otherwise serve as input to certain derivational operations. The current system thus accounts for both permitted and unpermitted suffix combinations involving compounding and the optionality in certain combinations, such as buz paten-ci (-si) ‘a/the ice skater (ice skate-agt-cm)’, where the compound marker may (not) appear in combination with the (derivational) agentive -CI. The study also presents a survey which implies that a group of derivational affixes is in a paradigmatic relation with the compound marker, and all of these affixations constitute alternative paths in a dynamic paradigm structure. The findings of the study are considered to contribute to the understanding of the nature of the autonomous morphological operations and paradigms, which cannot be restricted to the lexicon or manipulated by syntax.