Dòng Nội dung
Étude de certains marqueurs discursifs « perception » en français, russe et khmer / Jean-Jacques Franckel,Dara Non,Sophie Rose. // Langages n° 207 (3/2017)
pp. 49-64.

This article deals with a series of discourse markers (DM) related to the notion of “perception” in three languages: French, Russian and Khmer. It is divided into three parts. The first one puts forward a hypothesis about the notion of “perception”. The second one gives a description of each DM in question from a double point of view: according to its classification (point of view DM, classifying DM, particle DM); according to the semantic value of the morpho-lexical items forming the DM and founding its specificity. The third part describes the values of the various DMs in each language. As regards the DMs in Khmer and Russian, an analytic comment is put forward in order to account for their specificity. A synthesis is worked out as a conclusion.

Étude de certains marqueurs discursifs « vrai » en français, khmer, russe et vietnamien / Thi Hoang Anh Bui,Denis Paillard,Elena Vladimirska. // Langages no 207 (3/2017)
pp. 33-48.

This article deals with a set of discourse markers (DM) related to the notion of “truth” in four languages: French, Khmer, Russian and Vietnamese. It is divided into three parts. The first one argues that a “truth” DM specifies the sequence forming the DM scope (noted p) as appropriate to account for what is meant to be said about what is in question. The second one is a description of each DM under scrutiny from a double point of view: that of the type of DM it comes under (whether point of view DM, categorizing DM or DM particle) ; and that of the semantic value of the items composing the DM, which sets up the singularity of each DM in the four languages. The third part describes the values of the various DMs in each language.

L’allemand wohl et ses équivalents en français / Pierre-Yves Modicom. // Langages no 207 (3/2017)
pp. 93-104.

The German marker wohl is generally considered to be an equivalent of French bien. Both forms can be used as adverbials to indicate that an entity exhibits a given quality at a high degree. Yet, as a discourse marker, wohl has both a corroborative meaning in which bien can also be used in French, and a modal epistemic meaning, for which bien is not a possible equivalent. The article proposes a stable operational core meaning for wohl. The comparison with bien shows that wohl implies the accessibility of an alternative p’ to the content of the utterance p, whereby p’ is usually identified as “not p”, which is not the case for bien. This sheds new light on the diverging translations of wohl in French, which are analysed in the last part. While some contexts tend to favour a rendering of wohl with bien, some contexts are shown to demand very heterogeneous strategies of translation.

Topic-shift discourse markers in L2 Italian / Margarita Borreguero Zuloaga // Language, Interaction and Acquisition Vol. 8:2 (2017)


This paper examines how native speakers (NS) and non-native speakers (NNS) of Italian approach topic organisation (topic shift, topic closure, digressions, topic recovery, and summary) in oral interactions. The research focuses on which discourse markers (DMs) are used when speakers try to organise discourse topics, and the differences between NS and NNS when performing such metadiscourse functions. The analysis is based on data from a spoken corpus designed to study conversational strategies in Spanish learners of L2 Italian. It reveals that the acquisition of metadiscourse functions progresses at different rates depending on the function: whereas learners have a good pragmatic competence in using DMs for the introduction of new topics in conversation, they have difficulties with other functions, such as topic closure or summary. In addition, the function of topic recovery after a digression is explicitly marked by NNS by DMs which are not found in native varieties.