Dòng Nội dung
“v+n+n”结构的哈萨克语短语歧义分析与消解 = The “v+n+n” Phrase of Structural Disambiguation in Kazakh / Hu Bing-xin;Gulia Altenbek;QI Hui;College of Information Science and Engineering,Xinjiang University;The Base of Kazakh and Kirghiz Language of National Language Resource Monitoring and Research Center Minority Languages;Xinjiang Laboratory of Multi-language Information Technology;College of Information Science andEngineering,Xinjiang University;College of humanity,Xinjiang University // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 2, 2014.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会 , 2014.
p. 33-37.

In the recognition process of Kazakh phrases, the phrase structure ambiguity exists. This paper studied a lot of ambiguous phrase structure and analyzed the computer processing format of ambiguity, especially the most common "v+n+n" ambiguous structure. Based on the features of the Kazakh language, this paper used conditional random field(CRF) model to resolve the ambiguity. The experimental results show that the strategy can resolvetheambiguity effectively

Embracing ambiguity in management controls and decision-making processes: On how to design data visualisations to prompt wise judgement/ Paolo Quattrone // Accounting and Business Research vol.47, no. 5/2017
p. 588 - 612.

Making decisions when managing organisations always involves the constant management of ambiguity and a great deal of complexity due to uncertainties and the intrinsic political nature of every decision-making processes. This paper argues that in order for management accounting to deal effectively with this ambiguity and uncertainty, both must be embraced, not suppressed, by the design of data visualisations produced by management controls as aids to the decision-making processes. Drawing on studies in rhetoric, alongside others on the rhetorical and communicative power of images and visualisations, this paper identifies a series of principles that can contribute to the development of a visual rhetorical framework to inform the design of data visualisation (e.g. dashboards, business reports). The need to conceive of data visualisations beyond their representational function, and the principles that are identified, are then illustrated through the visual rhetorical analysis of a complex dashboard utilised in the programme management of the construction of a large airport terminal. The paper ends with an outline of a research agenda for the future design of data visualisation in accounting, and beyond.

Réanalyse et changement linguistique / Bernard Combettes. // Langages. 2014, Vol. 196.
53-67 p.

Le but de cette contribution est d’examiner les points de contact qu’il est possible de déterminer entre l’opération de réanalyse et l’approche diachronique d’une langue, en l’occurrence le français. Après avoir rappelé les principales caractéristiques, communément reconnues, de la réanalyse, on aborde la question de la nature du processus et celle du rôle majeur qu’y joue l’analogie. On observe ensuite comment la réanalyse est soumise aux grandes tendances de l’évolution (passage d’un système synthétique à un système analytique, hiérarchisation des syntagmes, spécialisation des catégories). Est enfin envisagé le fonctionnement de ce type particulier de changement, l’accent étant mis sur la nature et le rôle de l’ambiguïté ainsi que sur la phase d’actualisation, qui permet de considérer que la réanalyse est pleinement aboutie.

博弈语用学视角下的汉语歧义现象分析 =Game Theoretical Pragmatics and Analyses of Ambiguity / 夏登山; 蓝纯;Xia Deng-shan;Lan Chun;School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 4, 2014.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2014.
p. 5-10+15.

This article argues that traditional studies of Chinese ambiguity mainly focus on the internal factors of language, such as semantic and syntactic characteristics, and that with game theoretical models of human communication, some external factors including communicators and socio-cultural background can be situated and covered.Game theoretical pragmatics models verbal communication as coordination games between the speaker and the hearer(s), and emphasizes the strategic interaction between the communicators. Following classic Game Theory, this article makes a distinction between cooperative and non-cooperative communication games according to whether there is a binding agreement between the players. Case studies show that ambiguity in non-cooperative communication games is characterized by multi-Nash Equilibira and non-Pareto optimality