Dòng Nội dung
L’allemand wohl et ses équivalents en français / Pierre-Yves Modicom. // Langages no 207 (3/2017)
pp. 93-104.

The German marker wohl is generally considered to be an equivalent of French bien. Both forms can be used as adverbials to indicate that an entity exhibits a given quality at a high degree. Yet, as a discourse marker, wohl has both a corroborative meaning in which bien can also be used in French, and a modal epistemic meaning, for which bien is not a possible equivalent. The article proposes a stable operational core meaning for wohl. The comparison with bien shows that wohl implies the accessibility of an alternative p’ to the content of the utterance p, whereby p’ is usually identified as “not p”, which is not the case for bien. This sheds new light on the diverging translations of wohl in French, which are analysed in the last part. While some contexts tend to favour a rendering of wohl with bien, some contexts are shown to demand very heterogeneous strategies of translation.