Dòng Nội dung
《心理档案》述介 / Fran?ois Recanati; 袁文; 林允清. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2016, Vol. 18, No.3.
465-469 p.

<正>1.引言Fran?ois Recanati是欧洲分析哲学的代表人物,一直致力于语言哲学、语言与心智的研究。他2004年出版的《字面意义》(Literal Meaning)奠定了其认知语用学理论的基础,2010年出版的《真值条件语用学》(Truth-conditional Pragmatics),挑战了传统的语言观,引起了学术界的广泛讨论。他于2013年在牛津大学出版社出版的《心理档案》(Mental Files)一书,是

Étude de certains marqueurs discursifs « vrai » en français, khmer, russe et vietnamien / Thi Hoang Anh Bui,Denis Paillard,Elena Vladimirska. // Langages no 207 (3/2017)
pp. 33-48.

This article deals with a set of discourse markers (DM) related to the notion of “truth” in four languages: French, Khmer, Russian and Vietnamese. It is divided into three parts. The first one argues that a “truth” DM specifies the sequence forming the DM scope (noted p) as appropriate to account for what is meant to be said about what is in question. The second one is a description of each DM under scrutiny from a double point of view: that of the type of DM it comes under (whether point of view DM, categorizing DM or DM particle) ; and that of the semantic value of the items composing the DM, which sets up the singularity of each DM in the four languages. The third part describes the values of the various DMs in each language.