Dòng Nội dung
Thuật ngữ tiếng việt trong nền giáo dục khoa học= Vietnamese terminology in the country s education and science // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2015, Số 5 (235).

National Vietnamese terminology has been formed and developed for nearly a century. With the adoption of Latin scripts, the position of Vietnamese as the national language after The August Revolution has made the terminology develop fast, which has effectively served the development of our education, science and letter – day wide and deep international intergration. It is obviously that education and science have always been the foudation, the basis for the development of terminology and terminology, in its turn, has been actively serving the development of education and science

Children’s use of gesture and action with static and dynamic verbs / Mats Andrén, Johan Blomberg. // Language, Interaction and Acquisition, Volume 9, Issue 1, Jan 2018.

p. 22 - p. 39

The present study investigates the use of gestures by 18-, 24- and 30-month-old Swedish children, as well as their practical actions in coordination with verbs. Previous research on connections between children’s verbs and gestures has mainly focused only on iconic gestures and action verbs. We expand the research foci in two ways: we look both at gestures and at practical actions, examining how the two are coordinated with static verbs (e.g. sleep) and dynamic verbs (e.g. fall). Thanks to these additional distinctions, we have found that iconic gestures and iconic actions (the latter in particular) most commonly occurred with dynamic verbs. Static verbs were most commonly accompanied by deictic actions and deictic gestures (the latter in particular). At 30 months, deictic bodily expressions, including both gestures and actions, increased, whereas iconic expressions decreased. We suggest that this may reflect a transition to less redundant ways of using bodily expressions at 30 months, where bodily movement increasingly takes on the role of specifying verb arguments rather than expressing the semantics of the verb itself.

Gesture–speech unity: Phylogenesis, ontogenesis, and microgenesis / David McNeill // Language, Interaction and Acquisition Volume 5, Issue 2, Jan 2014.

p. 137 - p. 184

This paper outlines an argument for how development in child speech and gesture could shed light on language evolution: child acquisition can be thought of as two types of acquisition, one of which goes extinct (gesture-first, Acquisition 1) and is replaced by another (gesture–speech unity, Acquisition 2). For ontogenesis, this implies that children acquire two languages, one of which is extinct, and which again goes extinct in ontogenesis (it continues as “gestures of silence” rather than as gestures of speech). There is no way to get from Acquisition 1 to Acquisition 2. They are on different tracks. Even when they converge in the same sentence, as they sometimes do, they alternate and do not combine. I propose that the 3~4 year timing of Acquisition 2 relates to the natural selection of a kind of gestural self–response I call “Mead’s Loop”, which took place in a certain psychological milieu at the origin of language. This milieu emerges now in ontogenesis at 3~4 years and with it Mead’s Loop. It is self-aware agency, on which a self-response depends. Other developments, such as theory of mind and shared intentionality, likewise depend on it and also emerge around the same time. The prefrontal cortex, anchoring a ring of language centers in the brain, matures at that point as well, another factor influencing the late timing. On the other hand, a third acquisition, speech evoking adult attachment, begins at (or even before) birth, as shown by a number of studies, and provides continuity through the two acquisitions and extinction.

Gesture–speech unity: Phylogenesis, ontogenesis, and microgenesis. / David McNeill. // LIA language, interaction and acquisition. 2014, Vol. 5, No. 1.
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2014.
137-184p ; 24 cm.

This paper outlines an argument for how development in child speech and gesture could shed light on language evolution: child acquisition can be thought of as two types of acquisition, one of which goes extinct (gesture-first, Acquisition 1) and is replaced by another (gesture–speech unity, Acquisition 2). For ontogenesis, this implies that children acquire two languages, one of which is extinct, and which again goes extinct in ontogenesis (it continues as “gestures of silence” rather than as gestures of speech). There is no way to get from Acquisition 1 to Acquisition 2. They are on different tracks. Even when they converge in the same sentence, as they sometimes do, they alternate and do not combine. I propose that the 3~4 year timing of Acquisition 2 relates to the natural selection of a kind of gestural self–response I call “Mead’s Loop”, which took place in a certain psychological milieu at the origin of language. This milieu emerges now in ontogenesis at 3~4 years and with it Mead’s Loop. It is self-aware agency, on which a self-response depends. Other developments, such as theory of mind and shared intentionality, likewise depend on it and also emerge around the same time. The prefrontal cortex, anchoring a ring of language centers in the brain, matures at that point as well, another factor influencing the late timing. On the other hand, a third acquisition, speech evoking adult attachment, begins at (or even before) birth, as shown by a number of studies, and provides continuity through the two acquisitions and extinction.

Phát triển năng lực nghề nghiệp cho giảng viên tiếng Anh tại các trường đại học ở Việt Nam: Gợi ý cho giảng viên và các nhà quản lý = English teachers' professional development in Vietnamese universities: Implications for teachers and administratiors / Phạm Thị Tố Loan. // Tạp chí khoa học ngoại ngữ Số 49/2016
Hà Nội : Đại học Hà Nội, 2016
tr. 79-88

Nghiên cứu này nhằm tìm hiểu quan điểm và sự tham gia của giảng viên tiếng Anh vào việc phát triển năng lực nghề nghiệp và từ đó đưa ra một số gợi ý cho giảng viên và nhà quản lý. Để đạt được mục tiêu này hai công cụ nghiên cứu đã được áp dụng: (1) câu hỏi khảo sát dành cho 30 giáo viên tại ba trường đại học ở Hà Nội và (2) phỏng vấn sâu sáu trong số họ. Từ dữ liệu thu thập, nghiên cứu nêu ra gợi ý cho giảng viên như: họ nên chủ động trong việc nâng cao năng lực nghề nghiệp; tham gia nhiều hơn các hoạt động như hội thảo, nghiên cứu hành động và xuất bản bài báo khoa học; đồng thời tăng cường sự hợp tác với đồng nghiệp. Bên cạnh đó, nhà quản lý nên quy định chuẩn năng lực giảng dạy; hỗ trợ giáo viên về mặt thời gian và tài chính, khuyến khích môi trường học tập và đầu tư mua các ấn phẩm về giảng dạy ngoại ngữ.