Dòng Nội dung
Challenging cross-linguistic typology : Right-edge consonantal prominence in Kaqchikel / Kuniya Nasukawa. // Journal of Linguistics Vol. 55, Issue 3/2019
p. 611-641

It is known that consonants can act as boundary markers when they are located at the left edge of a prosodic domain, helping listeners to parse incoming speech. To achieve maximum efficiency in marking out boundaries, those markers should be acoustically salient. In Element Theory, domain markers are represented by the elements |H| and |ʔ|. Being inherently voiceless, these elements stand apart from the other elements, which are spontaneously voiced. Most languages show a preference for incorporating |H| or |ʔ| into segmental structures which stand at the left edge of domains. This paper challenges the universality of this view by analysing data from Kaqchikel, a K’iche’an language with a bias for marking the right edge of domains rather than the left. The marker in question is intense/prolonged noise which, in Element Theory is represented by |H|. The |H| element is present in fortis fricatives and aspirates, and in Kaqchikel it regularly appears in segments at the right edge of prosodic domains where it serves as a domain boundary marker. Boundary marking in Kaqchikel is analysed here using a Precedence-free Phonology approach to melodic structure (Nasukawa 2016) in which the linear ordering of segments is determined by the hierarchical organization of melodic units (elements) within a unified melodic–prosodic structure.

Khái quát về âm vị phụ âm trong tiếng Đức = Consonant phonemes in German language / Dương Việt Thắng. // Tạp chí khoa học ngoại ngữ Số 29/2011
Hà Nội : Đại học Hà Nội, 2011
tr. 3-10

Bài viết giới thiệu các phụ âm trong tiếng Đức với đầy đủ các đặc tính âm học cũng như cách thức cấu tạo của chúng, qua đó liên hệ với các phụ âm trong tiếng Việt để có thể rút ra được những điểm tương đồng cũng như làm nổi bật các nét khác biệt của phụ âm trong hai ngôn ngữ. Việc so sánh các phụ âm của hai ngôn ngữ Việt - Đức nhằm giúp cho sinh viên thuận lợi hơn trong quá trình học tiếng Đức ở giai đoạn đầu tiên.

Positional faithfulness in Harmonic Grammar / Miranda Mccarvel. // Journal of Linguistics Vol. 55, Issue 1

In Tamil, coronals are licensed in onsets and initial syllables, exemplifying what Jesney (2011b) calls Licensing in Multiple Contexts (LMC). Jesney shows that while only positional faithfulness produces LMC in Optimality Theory, positional licensing provides a competing analysis of LMC in Harmonic Grammar (HG). This suggests that positional faithfulness may not be necessary in HG. We argue, though, that positional faithfulness remains essential. First, other facts in Tamil are incompatible with the positional licensing approach to LMC, rendering the positional faithfulness alternative the only viable analysis. Second, only with positional faithfulness can certain typological generalizations concerning assimilation between consonants be captured.