Dòng Nội dung
Mức độ hài lòng của sinh viên đối với hoạt động giảng dạy của giảng viên: nghiên cứu trương hợp khoa tiêng Trung Quốc, trường đại học Hà Nội / Ngô Thanh Hương // Tạp chí Khoa học Ngoại ngữ Số 73/2023

Tr.44 - 56

Students' satisfaction with the teaching activities of lecturers is an issue that deserves to be studied, the level of student satisfaction affects their learning performance. Our research subjects are students of the Chinese language department of Hanoi University. The article uses quantitative research method through qestionnaire survey (n=201). After collecting the questionnaires, we used the statistical software SPSS 22.0 to analyze reliability, exploratory factors, multivariate linear regression and draw conclusions. The research shows that: (1) Student's satisfaction with teaching activities of lecturers is at a high average level; (2) student satisfaction with lecturers' teaching activities is influenced by factors such as teaching methods, attitudes, knowledge and capacity of lecturers; (3) The influence level of 4 factors in descending order is method>attitude>knowledge>competence. This study also provides some suggestions for teachers' teaching.