Dòng Nội dung
《(重)标算法》述评 / 张连文. // Foreign Language Teaching and Research 4/2018

tr. 628-633

<正>1.引言加标(labeling)理论(Chomsky 2013,2015)和加标算法(Labeling Algorithm,LA)是当前最简方案研究的前沿理论与核心机制。强势最简论(SMT)聚焦于标签在有效计算原则下的确定机制。基于合并运算和特征一致性的加标算法完善了探测算法(Probing Algorithm,PA),重标(relabeling)算法确定了被选合并项的范畴,优化了生成语法的分析模型。由法国国家科研中心Ceccheto教授

维吾尔语从属句中间陈语气的嵌入策略 / 林青. // 语言与翻译 = Language and Translation No.1/2018
p .43-48.

The paper focuses on embedding strategies of indirect statements mood in Uyghur subordinations and the semantic and pragmatic properties of the predicates they select, underpins the fact that very often meanings which elsewhere are realized by grammatical markers may arise due to what we might call"contextual collaboration"i.e. the interplay of syntactic, morphological and semantic-pragmatic functions.