Dòng Nội dung
中原官话??型复元音研究 / 赵丽萍. // 语言与翻译 ,Language and Translation No 3. 2018.

tr. 59-64

Based on Xinzheng dialect,through both of the diachronic and synchronic perspectives, this paper aims to determine the nature of ? and the evolution of ?? in syllables.The type diphthong of ?? is widely distributed in Zhengkai branch, Guanzhong branch and Fenhe branch of Zhongyuan Mandarin.Inherited Zhongyuan Yinyun, Such diphthongs come from open mouth syllables of Jia She, Shan She and Xian She in mediaeval times.The change of formant in the previous period is greater than the latter periods. ... More

中国民间文学的世界之路——河西宝卷的对外译介 / 李亚棋. // 语言与翻译, Language and Translation No 2. 2018.

tr. 41-46


互动语言学对语用小品词研究的启示 / 刘锋; 张京鱼. // 语言与翻译 ,Language and Translation No. 3/2018

tr. 17-22

In the last ten or so years, the western linguistic scholarship has witnessed the rapid developments of interactional linguistics which absorbs the theoretical essentials and methods from functional linguistics, conversation analysis and anthropological linguistics. The interactional linguistics is actually an interactive perspective on linguistic research which highlights the interactively-built meanings and functions. The paper discusses the implications of interational linguistics for pragmat... More

功崇惟志 业广惟勤——怀念恩师陈宗振教授 / 苗东霞. // 语言与翻译 ,Language and Translation No 2. 2018.

tr. 94-96

<正>裕固族是我国55个少数民族之一,据第6次全国人口普查,共有14 378人。裕固族人口虽少,然而,历史文化悠久丰厚,风土人情独具特色,教育英才济济,文化成果累累。将这样一个优秀民族的民族渊源、千古沧桑、勤劳聪慧、文化魅力和语言特色展示给世人,离不开国内外学者们的努力,更离不开倾注了毕生心血研究西部裕固语言、全力以赴抢救记录西部裕固语口头文化、积极向世人弘扬宣传西部裕固语言文化的陈宗振先生的努力。几十年来,

基于意象图式的动词“入”的多义体系及意义连接机制探究 / 王佳琪;赵秀凤. // t语言与翻译 ,Language and Translation No 2.2018

tr. 525-536

Spatial relations are important foundation of human cognition. The polysemous senses of spatial motion verb are directly motivated by image schema, which is based on spatial relations. By using image-schemabased approach, this paper, with a view of building the polysemous system of spatial motion verb ru, explores the linking mechanisms among different senses. The analysis shows that the central sense of verb ru extends with the changes of semantic roles in relative space position, motion paths ... More