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从语篇衔接看留学生“所以”句前标点使用 = Study on Punctuation Before Suoyi Sentence in CSL from Perspective of Cohesion in Text / 王静 // Journal of Yunnan Normal University vol.15, no. 1 (2017). // 云南师范大学学报 vol.15, no. 1 (2017).

50-56 p.

The differences in the use of Chinese punctuations by international Chinese-learning students and the Chinese natives will reveal their differences in syntactical and semantic aspects.This paper focuses on the use of the full stop by CSL learners before the causal sentence suoyi(所以)and their lack of the knowledge of the textual cohesion and the sentential relations in the Chinese language

基于平衡语料库的“把”字宾语语篇研究 / 郭圣林, 刘顺. // 汉语学习 No.2/2019



维吾尔语与汉语情态表达对比研究——从“反观”的角度 / 郑燕. // 语言与翻译 ,Language and Translation No 3. 2018

tr. 36-41

Through the method of "reflection" in language contrast, based on the theories of systemic-functional linguistics and discourse analysis, the author observes ten typical Chinese modal verbs and the characteristics of the modal expressions in Uyghur language through their corresponding expressions in thelanguage, attempts to explore the features of semantic function that cannot be found only from the study of one language itself.

论抽象名词词串的语篇照应功能 = The Study on Abstract Noun’ Resomptif Anaphora and Resomptif Cataphora in Modern Chinese / 方清明;FANG Qing-ming;College of International Culture, South China Normal University; // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2016, No.4.
p. 52-63.

This paper discuss resomptif anaphora and resomptif cataphora about Modern Chinese abstract noun in text. We focus on its types and functions. It is different from zero anaphora or prononinal anaphora, the resomptif anaphora of abstract noun anaphora a clause, multiple clauses or paragraph. "Zhe+M+abstract noun" is the main form features. The resomptif anaphora of abstract noun have the functions of Summing up information or changing text orientation. Resomptif cataphora of abstract noun have many form features. Among them, "the abstract noun+shi" is important form. In this combination, the abstract noun have evaluatived premodifiers frequently. Resomptif cataphora may marks text boundaries or link language components in text.

试论作为话语标记的“不如” = On "Buru(不如)"as a Discourse Marker / 李贤卓. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 4, 2013.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2013.
p. 22-26+35.

This paper deals with a discourse marker "Buru(不如)" from the semantic and pragmatic perspective. The semantic function "to choose" and "to suggest" are derived from the meaning "to compare" of the verb "Buru(不如)". The four semantic patterns of the discourse marker "Buru(不如)" are type 1:integrated;type 2: back-omitting,type 3:head-implicating as well as type 4:head-back omitting. The pragmatic function is for cohesion and coherence and also as manifestation of politeness principle in social strategy.