Dòng Nội dung
主谓句段的主语界定 = Subject in Sentence Segments of the SP Type. / Yang Guowen. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2013, Vol. 27.

435-453 p.

Lü Shuxiang proposed the theoretical model of sentence segments for Chinese language analysis in the early 1960s. According to the model,a sentence is formed by sentence segments; and a sentence segment of the SP type consists of the Subject and the Predicate. In this paper we try to present some criteria for identifying the Subject in sentence segments of the SP type with reference to the theory of SFG and some existing achievements in the field,especially the relevant analyses proposed by Lü Shuxiang himself. Like most languages,Chinese has its own basic sentence patterns for expressing processes of different types. The constituents of a basic sentence pattern have unmarked features in terms of information value,grammatical function and semantic role; hence,we can get the unmarked Theme and the unmarked conventional Subject in this way. The changes in the order of the constituents will lead to their non-conventional and marked features in the construction. If the conventional Subject is absent,an affected Complement or a Complement of Range,when occurring before the main verb,can be identified as the non-conventional Subject.

制约“忽然”句法位置的若干语用因素 = Pragmatic Factors Affecting the Syntactic Position of Huran. / Chu Zexiang;Liu Qi. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2014, Vol. 28.

498-507 p.

The paper investigates the position of the Chinese word huran(忽然)as an adverbial in a subject-predicate sentence from the perspective of pragmatics,and discusses the pragmatic factors that constrain its syntactic position,mainly from the aspects of discourse coherence,reference theory and the rule of entity first-mention.Most frequently the word huran appears after subject and serves as an adverbial,but it tends to stand before subject when it is highlighted as a discourse coherence device.In the context of the clause with huranfunctioning as the second event of a sequence,if the subject is realized by"yi(一)+classifier+noun",huranindicates the temporal background of entity firstmention and exclusively comes before the subject;if the subject,definite or indefinite,is after a temporal noun indicating a definite event,huran comes only after the subject.The different syntactic positions of huran can be explained by the relator principle and the viewpoint that entity first-mention requires a temporal background.

汉语话题回指如何受动词语义关系约束 : 来自脑电研究的证据 / 徐晓东, 陈丽娟, 倪传斌. // 外语教学与研究 vol.49, no.3(May 2017).


Syntactic structure and verb-based semantics are two important factors impacting on pronoun resolution. This study explores how the influence of topic structures on pronoun interpretation is modulated by verb-based implicit causality. Specifically, using the high time resolution ERP technique, the study compared the ERP responses evoked by topic referring pronouns with those evoked by object referring pronouns and subject referring pronouns. The results show both object and subject referring pronouns evoked larger P600 responses than topic referring pronouns and that object referring pronouns in topic structure evoked larger P600 than those in non-topic structure. Furthermore, in non-topic structures there was no significant difference in the P600 indices evoked by object and subject referring pronouns. These findings suggest that processing topic referring relation is cognitively less demanding than processing object or subject referring relation, rendering topic referring as an important discourse processing strategy in Chinese. More importantly, the dominant influence of topic prominence on pronoun interpretation was not affected by verb-based implicit causality. The fact that LAN was absent in Chinese pronoun resolution may well point to different cognitive mechanisms at work in processing anaphora in Chinese and Indo-European languages.

目的小句主语的隐现及其制约因素 = Covert and Overt Subjects of Purpose Clauses and the Restrictive Factors”. / Ding Jian. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2014, No.3.
p. 65-71.

In Mandarin Chinese,the presence or absence of the subjects of purpose clauses is basically the result of the joint influence of pragmatics and syntax. Normally,the subjects are optional; but sometimes they are compulsorily omitted. The optionality is related to the cooperative principle based on context. The compulsory omission is the result of the persistence of syntactic features in grammaticalization.